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텍스트 조절
(영문) 제주지방법원 2018.02.08 2017고합152

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a maximum term of seven years and a short term of five years.

The defendant is a sexual assault treatment program for 300 hours.


Punishment of the crime

[2017 Gohap 152] The defendant is the victim C(n, D) and the victim E(n, F).

1. Crimes against victims C;

A. Violation of the Act on the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Indecent Acts by force against a minor under the age of 13) (1) The Defendant committed an indecent act against a minor under the age of 13 by force, on his own hand, against the victim C (the age of 11 at the time) and panty, after having the victim C (the age of 11 at the time) left the toilet in the Defendant’s residence room located in Seopopopo City G on the top of the day in 2014.

(2) The Defendant, in around 00:00 on the date of 2015, made use of the crepans that are outside the food room, flusiums of the victim C (at the time 12 years of age), kis the victim’s sound and chests into the clothes of the victim C (at the time 12 years of age), and flus the victim’s fingers, flus the victim’s fingers, and flus the flus into the flus and pans, flus, flus, and flusssium, flusium, flusium,

“The victim was forced to commit an indecent act by force against a minor who was a minor under the age of 13, who was called “the sound and the chest.”

B. Violation of the Act on the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Rape of minors under the age of 13) committed rape against a minor under the age of 13 by putting the victim C (the age of 12 at that time) under the care of his or her head on July 2015, by taking advantage of the cresh in which the head of his or her house was fluord and the head of his or her house was fluenced. When the victim refuses to do so, he or she was found to have a flusium in his or her house.

2. Crimes against victims E;

(a) Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (any minor under the age of 13).
