본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.02.10 2016고정2116

The defendant shall publicly announce the summary of the judgment against the defendant not guilty.


1. The Defendant is the head of a factory of a factory of a factory with the trade name of D, Co., Ltd., Ltd., the Daegu-gun District Court of the facts charged.

Foods, etc., the standards for labeling are determined shall not be sold, imported, displayed, transported for sale, or used for business, unless the standards are indicated.

However, even though the Defendant manufactured Class D, from July 2014 to January 2016, 2016, Class D, which is the monthly average of KRW 25 million, i.e., cut-down 9, i., cut-out livers and cut-out livers, the synthetic preservation fee was added, the Defendant sold to D agency, agricultural cooperative, etc., directly operated, without indicating the purpose of use in the marked labelling ingredients, without indicating the use thereof. In short, the Defendant sold the food with the indicated label, without indicating its standard.

2. The "mark of labelling food, etc.", which is the public notice of the food and drug safety administration, should indicate the name and use of food additives that are directly used in the public notice by manufacturers for the purposes falling under [Attachment 4].

On the other hand, the name of a food additives may not be indicated if the food additives not used directly for the product are less than the quantity that can produce the effect of the product in question, but are less than the quantity that can produce the effect of the product.

“The” is also defined in Raddo.

Papra ethylene is a "synthetic preservation fee", which constitutes food additives used for the purpose specified in [Attachment 4].

A comprehensive interpretation of the above provisions shall be limited to cases where the name and use of food additives should be indicated, and it shall be limited to cases where the name and use of food additives are directly used or added at the time of manufacturing and processing food, and ② in cases of food additives carried out from raw materials of food (i.e., food additives) other than the food additives directly used for the product, it shall be limited to cases where the food additives are added more than the quantity that can produce
