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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원포항지원 2019.02.19 2018가단103172

1. The Plaintiff, Defendant B, Defendant C, Defendant C, KRW 2,00,000, and each of them from July 6, 2017 to February 19, 2019.


1. The Plaintiff is a person operating the cosmetic cosmetic (hereinafter “Plaintiff Beauty”) at the south-gu D shop at port-si, Nam-gu, and on July 1, 2017, Defendant B used the Gapet “F” “F” in which women living in the port-to-port share information, while Defendant C is a relative of Defendant B, who uses the Gapet “I” in the said carpet.

On May 9, 2018, Defendant B was sentenced to a fine of KRW 1,00,00 as a crime of violation of the Act on Promotion of the Utilization of Information and Communications Network and Information Protection, Etc. (Defamation) due to the same criminal facts as attached Table 1, as the Daegu District Court Branch Branch Branch Branch Decision 2017Ma499, and became final and conclusive.

피고 B은 그 외에도 2017. 7. 3.경부터 2017. 7. 6.경까지 ‘그 원장 멘탈만 강해가지고 고객을 개똥처럼 생각하고, 동네주민상대로 베짱장사 얼마나 가려나요, 마인드가 글러먹었으니 금방 소문나겠죠’, ‘이보세요! 부끄럽지 않으려면, 동네장사 한다는 사람이 이딴 식으로 일하면 안되죠, 알만한 사람들은 다 아는 J에 새로 생긴지 얼마 안된 상가에 있는 미용실이에요, 이 좁은 바닥에서 그리 장사해서 버틸줄 아나봐요, 동네 장사하면 입소문일텐데, J동네에 널리널리 퍼졌으면 좋겠어요’라는 등의 댓글을 약 89회에 걸쳐 게시하였다.

Defendant C received a summary order of KRW 700,000 as a crime of violation of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. (Defamation) on December 28, 2017, as shown in attached Table 2, as the Daegu District Court Branch Branch Branch Decision 2017 High-Ma5837, and the said summary order became final and conclusive.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 2 through 5, Gap evidence 10 and 11, the purport of the whole pleadings

2. The plaintiff's assertion is that the defendants' above defamation acts and obstruction of business as seen above are 14,100,950 won and consolation money which are 20,000,000 won and consolation money which are 14,100,000 won.
