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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2018.05.29 2017고단1099

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal records] The Defendant was sentenced to the Seoul Western District Court on June 15, 2016 to imprisonment with prison labor for 8 months for fraud, and the judgment became final and conclusive on June 23, 2016.

Although the defendant has a number of criminal records of probation, all of the crimes of this case were committed before each of the crimes of this case, only one final judgment is to be entered first.

[Criminal facts]

1. On March 11, 2015, the criminal defendant is a person who runs real estate sale brokerage business in the trade name called "D".

The Defendant, at the office of the Defendant located in Mapo-gu Seoul E and 303 on March 2015, the Defendant confirmed the Victim F to the office of the Seoul Mapo-gu Seoul E and 303, that “The construction site of this case was approved by the Hanam-si, and other six parcels (hereinafter “the construction site of this case”), and that the Defendant will be entrusted with the sale agency within two to three months.

Instead, the term “to pay 30 million won by lending 10,000 won,” stating that it shall be paid immediately because it is used only for 10 days per week, and there is money to be paid at other places.”

However, in fact, the construction site of this case passed the construction deliberation by Hanyang, a developer, from around 2003 to around 2009 after the construction of a new apartment complex was commenced, but the construction was suspended due to the default on March 31, 2010, and around 2014, the resolution of the resolution of the resolution of the management committee of the apartment complex construction company, which was a sales agency for the apartment complex construction in the above state, shall bear KRW 200,000,000,000, which the defendant is the representative, and shall succeed to the sales agency. The construction site of this case shall continue the construction of the apartment complex construction project in the above state, because it is not meaningful to continue the construction of the apartment complex construction project in the above state, and the construction company shall enter into a contract with the defendant's management committee D and the defendant's sales agency contract with the victim on March 1, 2015 when entering into the new construction contract with the victim and the defendant on March 1, 2015.
