1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Basic facts
A. The Defendant is promoting a business related to the multi-functional multiple lamps (the multi-functional multiple lamps, hereinafter referred to as “bus”) developed by Nonparty C;
Around February 2013, the Plaintiff had already been manufactured in the semi-finished form, but was kept in D, a subcontractor, due to the default of the C Company, proposed a partnership business with the content that the Plaintiff would purchase and sell as a finished product (hereinafter “instant partnership business”).
B. Accordingly, the Plaintiff, the Defendant, and C shall be responsible for product development and business, and the Defendant shall be responsible for product development and production. The operating funds for the instant partnership business were financed by the Plaintiff from the Small and Medium Business Corporation, and the product development funds were made oral agreements with the Small and Medium Business Corporation to cover the government subsidies. On April 8, 2013, the Plaintiff registered the business with the location of the place of business in Busan-si E University No. 2208 and the name “G” for the instant partnership business.
C. The Plaintiff obtained a loan of KRW 100 million from the Small and Medium Business Corporation and invested it as funds for operating the instant partnership business. On April 15, 2013, when selected, the Plaintiff applied for support to the Small and Medium Business Start-Up Business Promotion Project Operator of the Small and Medium Business Promotion University, which is implementing the Small and Medium Business Promotion Association, with a written consent to maintain the first start-up business for more than one year from the end
5. On May 8, 2013, through March 7, 2014, the agreement was concluded on the standard agreement for the promotion project of aspiring Technology Start-up business proprietor with the total project cost of KRW 70 million [the Government subsidy of KRW 49,000,000 (the cash of KRW 14 million in kind)], as the project name for the commercialization of H University, from May 8, 2013 to March 7, 2014.
On May 7, 2013, the Plaintiff indicated the attached list among the buildings used by the Defendant together with C (hereinafter “instant building”).