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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2019.02.20 2018고합238

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant and the victim B(53 years of age) are between the married couple and the married couple for about 20 years.

피고인은 결혼 초기에 피해자가 시댁식구와 피고인을 차별하면서 폭언을 했었던 일로 피해자에 대한 안 좋은 감정을 가지고 있었고, 그 후 잦은 음주로 인하여 술을 마실 때마다 피해자에게 시비를 걸며 다투는 일이 잦았으며, 알콜중독과 우울증이 심하여 자살기도를 하는 등 피해자와 지속적인 갈등관계에 있었다.

The Defendant, at around 23:45 on October 19, 2018, in the residence of the Defendant (hereinafter referred to as “instant residence”) located in Busan Building on the ground that the Defendant had drinking and late home, the Defendant was able to kill the victim due to an explosion between the victim and the victim who had been accumulated, with the victim’s hand and scambling “at scambling.” On the ground that the conflict with the victim, the Defendant scambling one knife in the main room (hereinafter referred to as “the instant knife”) and knife one knife (the total length of 33cc, 20cc., knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, and knife knife knife knife knife knife knif.

Accordingly, the defendant tried to kill the victim, but did not commit it but did not commit an attempted crime.

Summary of Evidence

1. Partial statement of the defendant;

1. Each police officer's protocol of statement and each police officer's protocol of statement (two times) and the police officer's protocol of statement B;

1. 112 Reporting List;
