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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원 속초지원 2014.07.09 2014고단162

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

1. Around 00:10 on May 4, 2014, the Defendant, who violated the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective injury with a deadly weapon, etc.), expressed D’s desire to “Chewingly live equally with D’s victim E (the age of 66) while having been in a relationship with D’s house located in Gangwon-gun C, Gangwon-gun, and expressed D’s desire to “Chewingly live.” As a result, the Defendant brought about a dispute with the victim and D.

Accordingly, the Defendant collected the kitchen 20cm in the blade length, which is a dangerous object in the kitchen where he had a flower, and added the kitchen knife to the victim with the number of days to be treated, which is not known by the victim. The Defendant saw the victim to the left part of the upper part of the upper part (6 cm in the upper part).

2. The Defendant, as the date, time, place, and paragraph 1, has been in conflict with the victim D (the age of 59) and E (the age of 59).

In 201, the victim was assaulted due to the bodily injury of the victim by her hand.

3. Violation of the Punishment of Violence, etc. Act (the destruction and damage, etc. of a deadly weapon, etc.) said Defendant collected, at the same time as paragraph 1, D (the age of 59) in Gangwon-gun D (the age of 59), one of the items dangerous in the location for the same reason as paragraph 1, 98 cm and 7.5 cm in length, which is a dangerous thing in the location, and damaged the F non-stop vehicle’s free will, which is the victim’s possession parked in that place, and 43 cm in length, which is the dangerous thing in that place continuously damaged the improvement of the volume of 43 cm in length, which is the dangerous thing in that place.

4. On May 5, 2014, around 06:30 on May 5, 2014, the Defendant intrusiond the victim’s residence by entering the house of the victim D, which was located in the Gangwon-gun C, and the victim did not open the door.

5. The defendant in violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (a collective weapon, etc.) intrudes on the residence of the victim D (inn's age 59) at the same time and place as that of paragraph (4), and the defendant was at the same time and place, and was at the same time and place, on the ground that he does not open the entrance in favor of the victim.
