1. Defendant Agriculture and Fisheries Food Corporation: (a) KRW 7,500,000 for the Plaintiff and its related amount from February 27, 2015 to October 2015.
1. Basic facts
A. The relationship between the parties 1) The Plaintiff was designated as an intermediate wholesaler from the Seopo-si Fisheries Cooperatives and engaged in the intermediate wholesale business from November 30, 1994, and sold fishery products purchased through auction to the wholesale market, such as the Simdong Agricultural and Fishery Products Market. 2) The Defendant Seoul Special Metropolitan City established the Simdong Agricultural and Fishery Products Wholesale Market (hereinafter referred to as the “Simdong Agricultural and Fishery Wholesale Market”) which is a wholesale market pursuant to Article 17(1) of the former Act on Distribution and Price Stabilization of Agricultural and Fishery Products (amended by Act No. 12509, Mar. 24, 2014; hereinafter referred to as the “Agricultural and Fishery Products Wholesale Market”) pursuant to Article 21 of the same Act, as the manager of the above market, designated the Defendant Agricultural and Fishery Food Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Defendant Corporation”) to manage the market.
3) 피고 공사는 지방공기업법, 서울특별시 조례에 의하여 설립된 법인으로서, 서울특별시장으로부터 농수산물유통법 제17조에 따라 개설한 가락동도매시장, 서울특별시강서농산물도매시장ㆍ양재동양곡도매시장에 대하여 서울특별시 농수산물도매시장 조례 제88조 각호에 규정된 사항을 제외하고 나머지 관리업무를 위탁받았다. 나. 피고 공사의 수산물출하제한처분 경위 1) 원고는 2014. 3. 19. 새벽 서귀포수산업협동조합 공판장에서 도미(뱅꼬) 3상자(1상자당 도미 15마리)를 경매로 매수하여, 같은 날 위 도미 3상자를 가락농수산물도매시장으로 출하하였다.
2) On March 20, 2014, B Fishery (C), an intermediary wholesaler belonging to the SP, purchased them at auction. On the same day, D Fishery (E), an intermediary wholesaler belonging to the SP, sold the said three boxes, and E sold to FP, one of them. (3) The Defendant Seoul Special Metropolitan City, on June 3, 2014, collected 16 mari, such as Domi from FP, pursuant to Article 22 of the Food Sanitation Act and Article 20 of the Enforcement Rule of the same Act.