본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울고등법원 2018.02.01 2015노2865

The judgment below

(1) Part on Defendant B, (2) part on Defendant D, (3) Defendant A and the same part on Defendant C.


Summary of Reasons for appeal

A. The Defendant C’s statement and R’s statement on this part of the facts charged prior to the amendment 1.b. and 1.e., the amendment 1) are credibility.

The court below rejected each of the above statements and found the defendant not guilty on the facts charged or violated the rules of evidence.

2) The indictments 1. C.1 before the amendment

A) The Defendant C’s statements and R, and T’s statements on this part are reliable.

The court below rejected each of the above statements and found the defendant not guilty on the facts charged or violated the rules of evidence.

3) Facts charged 1.c.1

B) The Defendant C’s statements and R’s statements on this part are reliable.

The court below rejected each of the above statements and found the defendant not guilty on the facts charged or violated the rules of evidence.

4) The facts charged before the amendment 1.c.2

A) The Defendant C’s statements and V’s statements on this part are reliable.

The court below rejected each of the above statements and found the defendant not guilty on the facts charged or violated the rules of evidence.

5) The facts charged before the amendment 1.c.2

B) both (2) and (3) the Defendant C’s statements and X’s statements on this part are reliable.

The court below rejected each of the above statements and found the defendant not guilty on the facts charged or violated the rules of evidence.

6) The facts charged prior to the amendment 1.c.2

B) (1) and 1.D.

Defendant C’s statements and each of the statements of X, AM, and AL on this part of the ruling party, and each of the confessions made by Defendant B and D to the prosecution are credibility.

The court below rejected each of the above statements and found the defendant not guilty on the facts charged or violated the rules of evidence.

B. Legal doctrine is erroneous, and KRW 20 million is offered to Defendant B and the same D.
