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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 포항지원 2018.11.29 2018고단1131

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Of the facts charged of this case, the prosecution against assault is dismissed.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal record] On July 9, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to two years of imprisonment with prison labor for assault, etc. in the Daegu District Court’s Port Branch Branch, and completed the enforcement of the sentence on May 24, 2016.

[Criminal facts]

1. 2018. 5. 초순경 범행 피고인은 2018. 5. 초순 17:00 경부터 17:30 경까지 포항시 북구 C에 있는 피해자 D 운영의 E 식당에서, 피고인이 피해자의 냉장고에 있는 술을 꺼내는 것을 본 피해 자가 피고인에게 “ 왜 매일 돈도 안주고 니는 마음대로 술을 꺼 내 먹고 그러 노. ”라고 말을 하며 술병을 빼앗았다는 이유로, 피해자에게 “ 씨 발 년 아, 돈 주면 되지. ”라고 욕설을 하고, 다른 테이블의 손님들에게 “ 야, 이 좆같은 놈 아, 시 발 놈 아, 화 양 잡놈아, 야 왜, 왜. ”라고 큰소리로 욕설을 하면서 마치 손님들을 때릴 듯이 시늉을 하며 재떨이, 종기, 병 등을 식당 밖으로 던지고 손님들과 피해자에게 소리를 지르고 욕설을 하는 등 약 30분 동안 행패를 부려 손님들을 식당 밖으로 나가게 하였다.

Accordingly, the defendant interfered with the victim's restaurant business by force.

2. On May 27, 2018, the Defendant committed the crime from around 10:0 to 10:10 on May 27, 2018, at the victim G sales store in North Korea-gu, North Korea-gu, Ma, the Defendant: (a) under the influence of alcohol, brought up to the victim for the following reasons: (b) the victim “I have been able to do so for the same year; (c) this year; (d) the two years; (d) the young; (e) the young was fluent; (e) the young; and (e) the young; and (e) the young fluened; and (e) the young fluened; and (e) the young fluened; and (e) the young fluened.”

Accordingly, the Defendant interfered with the victim's coffee sales business by force.

3. On July 16, 2018, the Defendant committed the crime from July 16, 2018 to July 15:27, 2018, from around 15:27 to 15:37, at the coffee retail store of the victim’s G management set forth in the foregoing paragraph (b), the Defendant is under the influence of alcohol to the victim “this two years, and the age from age.”
