본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 2014.07.17 2014고단2301


A Imprisonment of 8 months, Defendant B's imprisonment of 10 months, Defendant C's imprisonment of 10 months and Defendant D's imprisonment of 8 months.


Punishment of the crime

G along with H, I, etc. in order to sell fake transit at the oil station under their direct management, or supply it to other oil stations to make profits from them, I shall invest in funds, H shall form a system for manufacturing and selling fake transit, K shall assume the responsibility for manufacturing fake transit, K shall introduce the gas stations that sell fake transit, and L shall act to introduce the gas stations that sell fake transit, and G shall act to sell fake transit. Defendant B, Defendant C, and Defendant D shall participate in the manufacture of fake transit with M, etc. and transport them to the gas station, Defendant E shall participate in the manufacture of fake transit and manage the manufacture of fake transit at the place of work, Defendant E shall participate in the manufacture of fake transit, and Defendant F shall take part in the manufacture of fake transit at the place of work, and Defendant F shall lease Defendant F shall participate in the manufacture of fake transit.

1. The Defendant, along with H, I, etc. around September 24, 2013, at the O oil station located in N in the time of harmony with the Defendant: (a) around September 24, 2013, after putting oil in the tank of the vehicle equipped with an influor for transporting petroleum products, removed the identification agents added to the oil for preventing the manufacture of fake petroleum products; (b) removed the identification agents added to the oil for preventing the manufacture of fake petroleum products; and (c) manufactured approximately 10,00 liters of fake transit, mixed with the ratio of 4:6 to 3:5:7.5, mixed with the straw transit in Q in the P and stored at the same time; and (d) manufactured approximately 100,00 liters of fake transit.

In collusion with H, I, etc., the Defendant manufactured approximately KRW 8,289,428 liters in the foregoing manner between September 24, 2013 and November 28, 2013, as indicated in the attached list of crimes.

2. Defendant B, along with H, I, etc. on September 24, 2013, manufactured approximately 100,00 liters of fake transit in the same manner as the foregoing O oil station and Q Q, and the same manner as the description of paragraph (1) at night.

In collusion with H, I, etc., the Defendant is between September 24, 2013 and November 28, 2013, such as the content of the list of crimes in the attached Form.
