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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 동부지원 2019.09.17 2019고합71

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

disclosure and notification of information on the accused for five years.

However, the target crime is a crime.


Criminal facts

and the facts constituting the cause of the attachment order [criminal records]

1. On November 22, 2010, the Defendant and the respondent for an attachment order (hereinafter “Defendant”) received a summary order of KRW 2 million as a quasi-indecent act by force from the Busan District Court’s branch branch.

2. On January 14, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two months by imprisonment for a quasi-indecent act by force in the Busan District Court’s branch branch.

3. On December 11, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to an order to attach an electronic tracking device for one year and six months and six years, and completed the execution of the last sentence on August 23, 2016, by committing a violation of the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles against Sexual Abuse.

【Criminal Facts】

"2019 Highly 71"

1. On December 23, 2018, the Defendant, at around 08:20, committed an indecent act by taking advantage of the victim’s mental condition or the state of failing to resist, making soup, making soup, taking the victim D (the age of 19), who was divingd in the cryp of the 3rd floor B and the 9th floor of Suwon-gu, Busan.

2. At around 04:40 on March 3, 2019, the Defendant committed an indecent act by taking advantage of the victim’s mental condition or the state of difficulty in resisting, making soup, making soup, making soup, taking part in the victim E (a person under age 21)’s body under the direction of the victim E (a person under age 21). The Defendant was aware of the victim’s death by taking advantage of the victim’s mental condition or the state of difficulty in resisting.

around 23:00 on December 7, 2018, the Defendant damaged the electronic device by using the location tracking device for about 40 centimeters from the Defendant’s house located in the Busan Northern-gu, Busan, by using an industrial air knife.

[Judgment of the court below] The Defendant committed a sexual crime stated in the above criminal facts within 10 years after the completion of the execution of imprisonment with prison labor, even though he/she had been sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for committing a sexual crime.
