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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원동부지원 2020.06.03 2019가단213155
공용부분 시설물 철거 청구의 소

1. Defendants E, F, and G jointly share the plaintiffs on the 21st floor of reinforced concrete structure of Busan Shipping Daegu H building 21.


1. Basic facts

A. Busan Shipping Daegu H Main Complex is composed of four underground floors completed around November 1995, aggregate buildings of the 21st floor above ground (hereinafter “instant building”); commercial buildings with the 1st floor above ground and the 2nd floor above ground; the 2nd and 8th floor above ground are composed of 180 households above apartment buildings and 468 households below ground.

B. Among the instant buildings, Plaintiff A-ho, Plaintiff B-ho, and Plaintiff C-ho, respectively.

Defendant D is the co-owner of the commercial buildings on the second underground floor among the instant buildings, and Defendant E, F, and G (hereinafter “Defendant E, etc.”) jointly leased and occupied part of the commercial buildings on the second underground from Defendant D.

다. 이 사건 건물 중 지하 2층의 별지 도면 표시 1, 6, 3, 2, 1의 각 점을 순차로 연결한 선내 ㈎ 부분은 이 사건 건물의 다른 층들과 수직으로 연결된 환기통로 중 지하 2층 부분(이하 ‘이 사건 환기통로’라 한다)이고, 같은 도면 표시 6, 5, 4, 3, 6의 각 점을 순차로 연결한 선내 ㈏ 부분은 창고(이하 ‘이 사건 창고’라 한다)인데, 모두 전유부분도, 전유부분에 속하는 곳도 아니다. 라.

The ventilation channel of this case is installed with a wire network (the "the wire network cover No. 1" in the attached Table 1 list), and there are six air conditioners outside the air conditioners as shown in attached Table 1 list No. 2 above. The above air conditioners are installed and used by Defendant E, etc., and the remaining air conditioners No. 5 are installed by other tenants of Defendant D.

E. Defendant E, etc. installed and used the boiler in the instant warehouse.

[Reasons for Recognition: Facts without dispute, entries in Gap 1 and 2 evidence (including paper numbers), the purport of the whole pleadings]

2. The assertion and judgment

A. The main points of the parties’ assertion are the instant facilities without permission on the instant ventilation passage and warehouse, the Defendants’ common part of the building.
