본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 특허법원 2017.09.21 2017허3515

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. (1) The registration number / the filing date/registration date of the instant registered trademark: (3) the designated goods of the mark on August 29, 2014, No. 105956//956//her September 3, 2012, which is classified into the category of goods: Electric heating type hedging, electric type hedging, electric type hedging, electric type hedging, electric type hedging, electric type hedging, electric type hedging, electric type hedging, electric type hedging, electric type hedging, electric type hedging teaming, electric type hedging

(b) The registration number 1 (1)/ the filing date/registration date/ the renewal registration date of the registered trademark: (3) the mark on January 14, 1995/3476//199 on March 14, 1995; and (4) the mark on October 6, 2016: the product classification of the designated goods; (4) the electric cover machines of Category 7 in the product classification of Category 7; the electric cover machines of Category 8 in the product classification of Category 8; the phone, video disc disc disc disc disc, video disc disc disc, compact disc disc discp (P); the disks, tape tape, tape tape, and product classification of Category 11 in the product classification of Category 11; and (4) the holder of the right to registration;

(c) 2 (1) The filing date of the prior registered trademark / the filing date of the registration / the renewal date of the registration: (3) the mark on October 15, 2001 (No. 53102///her 15 May 15, 2001, 2002//her July 2, 2012: (4): The designated goods: Quantities of Category 11 specified in the classification of the goods, hot waterers, air conditioners, air air conditioners, freezingers, freezingers, signalers, air purification apparatus, air purification equipment, electric coffee machines, charging machinery, electric scoods, electric winders, electric scoods, electric sirens, electric sirens (4) : Crordra Rour Round;

라. 선등록상표 3 (1) 등록번호/출원일/등록일/갱신등록일 : 상표등록 제706947호/2006. 8. 30./2007. 4. 18./2017. 4. 14. (2) 표장 : (3) 지정상품 : 상품류 구분 제21류의 덴탈플로스(Floss for dental purposes), 치아 및 잇몸세정용 물사출기구, 칫솔, 칫솔갑, 치간칫솔, 전기칫솔, 칫솔용 교체형 칫솔모, 혀클리너, 덴쳐칫솔, 덴쳐케이스, 치실고리, 비금속제컵,...
