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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원안산지원 2020.09.16 2020고단3108

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Seized evidence 1, 4, 5 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

The Bosing Telecommunications Fraud Organization is operated in the form of an organization that assumes the role of “to provide loans at a low interest rate if it redeems existing loans,” or “to immediately repay the existing loans in violation of the duplicate loan terms and conditions,” by deceiving the victims to receive money from the victims or to withdraw money in cash by means of several methods, which are delivered. The organization is operated in the form of an organization that takes the role of taking the responsibility of the crime, “total liability,” “ Call Center,” “to withdraw money deposited by the victims by telephone,” “passing the money deposited by the victims,” “passing the money deposited by the victims,” “collections,” and “collections,” which directly collect money from many unspecified victims, or the victims, and delivers money deposited by the victims to the Bosing Organization.

On the other hand, around July 10, 2020, the Defendant received a proposal from a person who was named in the name of the team leader of the Bosing organization (one-time “B team leader”; hereinafter “B team leader”) to collect cash and then deliver it to a designated account, and agreed to collect cash from the victims according to the instructions of the B team leader, and again, intended to serve as a role of transmitting it to the account designated by the B team leader.

1. 공문서위조 피고인은 2020. 7. 20. 17:00경 B 팀장으로부터 위쳇 메신저를 통해 전송되는 문서를 출력하여 현금 수거시 상대방에게 전달하라는 지시를 받고 공문서 파일을 전송받은 후 이를 피고인의 이메일로 옮긴 다음 서울시 금천구 금천구청 부근에 있는 상호 불상의 PC방에서, 제목 “금융범죄 금융 계좌추적 민원(제2020-고합-02678호)”, "1. 귀하께서 금융감독원에 제기하신 금융 계좌추적 민원<2020고합02678>에 대한 답변입니다.

2. The Financial Services Commission shall take major measures related to tracking accounts;
