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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2013.04.03 2013고단369

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

On September 28, 2009, the Defendant was sentenced to six months of imprisonment for fraud at the Seoul Eastern District Court and two years of suspended execution, and on October 29, 2009, on April 12, 201, after being sentenced to four months of suspended execution and two years of imprisonment for fraud at the Suwon District Court sentenced on April 12, 201, which became final and conclusive on April 20, 201, each of the above suspended execution became null and void, and the execution of the final sentence was completed at the Sungsung Vocational Training Correctional Institution on February 19, 2012.

1. Unfolding type and fraud without registration;

A. On November 7, 2012, the Defendant, without the intent or ability to pay the taxi fee on November 22 and 15, 2012, took a H taxi operated by the victim G from the Gangnam-gu Seoul Samsung X-gu Seoul Samsungdong, and viewed that “the Defendant would normally pay the taxi fee to the victim,” and that “the Defendant would turn off to the Gangseo-gu Y-gu Y-gu Y-dong Y-dong YS-dong YS-dong YS-dong YS-dong YS-dong YS-dong YS-dong YS-dong YS-dong YS-dong YS-dong

B. On December 6, 2012, without the Defendant’s intent or ability to pay the taxi fee, the Defendant took the taxi on the front day of the Seodaemun-gu Seoul Seo-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City in front of the victim J to pay the taxi fee in a normal manner to the victim. The Defendant stated that “Woo-gu K is different” and the Defendant acquired the victim’s pecuniary benefits equivalent to KRW 20,500 of the taxi fee by having the victim operate the taxi to the front day of the Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan City taxi.

C. On December 9, 2012, the Defendant, without the intent or ability to pay the taxi fee on or around 16:20 on December 9, 2012, sent the Defendant’s attitude that he would normally pay the taxi fee to the victim by boarding a Nsi operated by the victim M in the red-dong cremation market in Seodaemun-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government. The Defendant said that “Woo Dong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, would be replaced by the Defendant’s attitude that he would normally pay the taxi fee to the victim.” This means that “The Defendant, in turn, has the victim operate a taxi to the area of the cab to the
