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텍스트 조절
(영문) 인천지방법원부천지원 2020.09.24 2020고단1579

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

Seized evidence1 to 5 shall be confiscated.

The defendant is an applicant for compensation.


Punishment of the crime

The 2020 High-Ma1579 organization’s telecommunications financial fraud (hereinafter “Scam”) is composed of roles such as “general liability” that takes charge of organic communication among the organizations inside the organization in the call center and website, “cambling money to a designated account by misrepresenting the investigative agency, financial institution, etc.,” “personnel of the call center” that allows victims to transfer money to a designated account by misrepresenting himself/herself to an investigation agency, financial institution, etc., “cambing staff of the call center,” “cambing receipt of money from the account holder to a designated account”, “cambing of money from the victims to the designated account”, “cambing of money to the designated account”, “communication receipt” that directly withdraws the amount of damage from the receipt book, and “collection receipt” that directly withdraws or delivers the amount of damage to another account by receiving the amount of damage from the victims, and “collection measures” that deposit it with the designated account.

A person under whose name the person under whose name the person was named was the member of the Bosing Organization, a person using C mobile phone numbers and KakakakaoD “D”, and the Defendant was the person who served as a “collection book” upon contact with the above persons under whose name the person was named.

1. The criminal defendant against the victim E in collusion with the above victim's name in order to the above victim's name in a manner that does not know about the place around 16:00 on April 6, 2020, the victim Eul assumes the head of the FF bank team G at a place where the victim's name was not known, and the victim E assumes the victim's telephone at a low interest rate of 200 million won, and the defendant assumes the FF bank receipt staff at around 16:00 on April 8, 2020, and received 30 million won from the victim for repayment of the loan.

9. At around 14:34, at around 14:34, the victim was given KRW 50 million for repayment of loans in the same manner as before the said International Contracting State.

In this respect, the defendant is a person with no name.
