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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2018.04.18 2018고단748

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of two months.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is a member of the reserve forces.

1. On October 26, 2017, the Defendant received a notice of convening a reserve force training in the name of the 7688 unit commander of Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul and C, the Defendant’s house, and the Defendant’s house on November 6, 2017, which was conducted at the training site for Park Hayang-gu, Ansan-gu, the 2nd 175-ro, Ansan-gu, Ansan-gu, the 2nd 175th, and then did not undergo the said training without good cause, even though the Defendant received the notice of convening a reserve force training in the name of the 7688 unit commander of the 768 unit and the 1st unit commander of the 7688 unit without justifiable grounds.

2. On October 26, 2017, the Defendant received a notice of call for the training of the reserve forces in the name of the first unit commander of the 7688 unit 768 unit 1 unit 768 unit 1 unit 768 units in the Army, with the content that it would result in the second supplementary training (6 hours) conducted at the training site for the 175 unit 1 unit 768 unit 1 unit 1 unit 768 units in the Army, which was conducted at the Defendant’s home, and at the Defendant’s home, on November 7, 2017, at the training site for the 175 unit 17th unit 1 unit 2, Ansan-gu, Ansan-gu.

3. On November 3, 2017, the Defendant received a notice of call for the reserve forces training in the name of the commander of the unit 7688 unit 1 unit 7688 unit 768 unit 26 unit 3 unit 3 unit 3 unit 3 unit 3 unit 3 unit 3 unit 3 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 7688 unit 3 unit 3 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 7688 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 2, 2017, and the Defendant did not receive the above training without justifiable grounds.

4. On November 3, 2017, the Defendant received a notice of convening a reserve force training in the name of the first unit commander of the 7688 unit 768 unit 1 unit 768 unit 768 unit 1 unit 768 unit 3 unit 3 unit C, the Defendant’s house at the Defendant’s house, and on November 24, 2017, the first unit 17 unit 175 unit 17 unit 17 unit 2 unit 175 unit in Ansan-gu, Ansan-gu. In short, the Defendant did not undergo the above training without justifiable grounds.

5. On November 15, 2017, the Defendant: (a) Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government Notice Board B and C of the third floor around November 15, 201; (b) at the Defendant’s home; and (c) Ansan-si on November 27, 2017.
