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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2018.09.20 2018가단200092

1. As to the Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant)’s KRW 30,000,000 against the Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff) and its related thereto, the Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant) from September 12, 2017 to June 4, 2018.


A principal lawsuit and a counterclaim shall be deemed simultaneously.

1. Basic facts

A. On August 29, 2017, the Plaintiff entered into a contract for acquisition of the instant business right (i) the Defendant C Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “C”) operated by Defendant B from Defendant B (hereinafter “C”).

) Kwikset service business rights acquisition agreement that takes over Kwikset service business rights (hereinafter “instant business rights acquisition agreement”).

(1) The buyer concludes a contract for the service of Kwikset service with Defendant B (hereinafter referred to as “B”) as follows: The seller shall enter into a contract for the sale of Kwiksetset service with Defendant B (hereinafter referred to as “B”). Article 1 [Definition of Title] - the customer of Kwiksetset Service operated and managed by Company B - the time all the business necessary for this contract begins - the time the order is received with the representative number of Company B : Article 2 [Purpose and Criteria for the Purchase Price] (1) The seller shall transfer and take over all the rights to the company B : (2) The sale of approximately KRW 10,000 (including all rights including 60,000,000) and the sale of KRW 20,000,000,000,000,000 won and KRW 9,000,000,000,000 won and KRW 3.0,000,000,00

(2) A shall pay the part payments to B on September 5, 2017, which is the time of acquisition by the company A.

If the payment of part payments is not implemented, it is.
