본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 의정부지방법원 2018.07.06 2016나5475
토지인도 등

1. The counterclaim Defendant, upon a claim that changed from the trial to the exchange, is against the counterclaim Plaintiff:

(a) 13.00 13.00


1. Basic facts

A. G, F, and building ownership 1) G in Yangju-si 456 square meters (hereinafter “G land”)

(F) and 13,455 square meters prior to the foregoing F (hereinafter referred to as “F land”).

On April 21, 1954, the restoration registration was completed under the name of H, I, J, and K on April 21, 1954, and on December 26, 1966, the registration of ownership transfer was completed due to inheritance under L’s name. On the same day, the registration of ownership transfer was completed under the name of Defendant Sejong’s name, and up to now, Defendant Sejong’s land owned each of the above land. G land is 32.9 square meters in the luxor and branch roof, and 32.9 square meters in the luxor and branch roof one-story, and 61.92 square meters in the luxal luxar, and 31.92 square meters in the luxal luxal luxal lux, but in fact, the part of the land is 94 square meters in the luxal luxal lux, such as the 2 appraisal map.

3) The building on G’s land (hereinafter “instant building”) is indicated on G’s land on the basis of the indication entered in the public record.

After the registration of ownership preservation was completed on July 19, 1995, D’s registration of ownership was completed on July 19, 1995, C’s ownership registration was completed on July 18, 1995, and on June 2, 1998, the registration of ownership transfer was completed on May 1, 1998 in the Plaintiff’s future. On the other hand, D’s building management ledger of the instant building was entered as owner since 1967. (b) The Plaintiff purchased the instant building and leased the instant land from the Defendant’s Class after around March 1998, when the Plaintiff leased the instant land from the Defendant’s class, on or after March 3, 2007, concluded the said lease agreement with the Plaintiff as impliedly renewed from March 10, 207 to March 9, 209.

2 The Plaintiff on January 2011.
