본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2018.08.09 2018고단941


A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for eight months and by imprisonment for five months.


Punishment of the crime

On October 8, 2015, Defendant A was sentenced to two years of imprisonment with prison labor for larceny, etc. at the Busan District Court on August 8, 2015, and on June 9, 2016, Defendant A completed the execution of each of the above punishment in Busan District Court on July 21, 2017 after having been sentenced to ten months of imprisonment with prison labor for night-time structure intrusion larceny, etc. on the same court. Defendant B was released on July 28, 2016 from Busan District Court on July 28, 2017 and the parole period was expired on September 19, 2017, and the Defendants were sentenced to one year of imprisonment with prison labor at the Busan District Court on April 17, 2018, and the judgment of the appellate court may continue to exist in the appellate court.

Criminal facts

Defendant A, on October 5, 2017, came to know through the “N”, which was a string site, at around 2017, Defendant A of the 2018 Highest 941, was the victim AY as if he/she was his/her female, and he/she did so through K message.


A sent a message to the victim using a mobile phone of the AZ on October 21, 2017, stating, “it may be allowed to pay money to the bond manager if it is sent,” to the victim using a mobile phone of the AZ at an irregular place.

L. H. false statements were made.

However, there was no fact that the defendant was a bond company, and there was no intention or ability to pay to the victim for living expenses with money from the victim.


A, as seen above, deceiving the victim and was transferred 50,000 won to the BB bank account (BC) in the name of the BB bank account in the name of the BB bank account in the name of the victim on the same day, and from that time until October 25, 2017, a total of KRW 2,520,000 was transferred over 13 times in total, as shown in attached Table 1 of the List of Offenses 1.

"2018 Highest 1010"

1. On August 22, 2017, Defendant A’s sole criminal defendant sells three copies of “BD gift certificates” to EF page at a Mour where the trade name in Busan is unknown.

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