본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2016.02.19 2015가단9896

1. The Defendant’s KRW 176,00,000 as well as 6% per annum from April 20, 2014 to December 30 of the same year to the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. On June 29, 2012, the Defendant, a project implementer under the Act on the Maintenance and Improvement of Urban Areas and Dwelling Conditions for Residents, presented the following items at the general meeting of members, and passed a resolution as the original bill.

(1) Grounds and reasons for proposal (case of approval of the budget bill of a general meeting): The advance disbursement of the expenses of the general meeting is inevitable, but I would like to make the operation of the association transparent upon prior resolution of the general meeting.

The contents of proposals: From the next general meeting, each expenditure shall be included as the affairs of the board of representatives, the board of directors, or the president of the partnership on the basis of the budget adopted at a time.

The budget bill of a general meeting: A total of 88 million won (when the budget of the general meeting held after the annual meeting in 2012 is not separately compiled, the work and budget amount of each item shall be the expense of the general meeting). (2) No. 4 (case of approving the budget bill to formulate the project implementation plan) and reasons therefor: A total of 40 affairs for the formulation of the project implementation plan shall be at least 40.

However, whether and when it is necessary to perform its duties.

I want to select the minimum necessary enterprise.

Proposal: The content of approval of the project budget, such as the formulation of the attached project execution plan.

However, the specific selection and contract of a company shall be made by the resolution of the board of representatives within budgetary limits, and shall include the contents determined and disbursed by the same contract.

"Public relations Services, etc. of the approved General Meeting" No. 12 (Mandatory Implementation) out of the attached business budget(B): 20 million won.

On February 26, 2014, the first board of representatives of the defendant in 2014 held on 2014 and 8 items were approved. Of them, the contents of the resolution on the agenda proposed under subparagraphs 5 and 8 are as follows.

(a) Agenda 5: Cases of deliberation on the coordination of the duties of collaborative entities;

5. The agenda under subparagraph 8 (2) of the contract within the approved budget of the ordinary general meeting (80 million won) or the general meeting of project implementation (160 million won): The draft of the project implementation plan shall be made as the business performance of the ordinary general meeting in 2014;
