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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2018.08.21 2018가합402945
이사회결의무효확인의 소

1. The Defendant’s board of directors dated July 2, 2017 confirms that a resolution dismissing the Plaintiff from the Defendant’s director is null and void.


1. Basic facts

A. The status of the parties 1) The plaintiffs, C, and D are religious orders that declared administrative postponements (which means that they will not comply with the administrative procedures of the E Religious Organization (J) at the E religious Organization (FI) with the center of the plaintiffs, C, and D, and opened G School in 1965 with the aim of the reformism and repair-based religious curriculum.

Defendant K is the chief of the G Educational Assembly, and M is the defendant's director, who was the chief of the G Educational Assembly L, the chief of the G Educational Assembly.

hereinafter referred to as "F";

(2) On January 11, 2010, the Defendant is a non-profit religious corporation (a foundation) that belongs to the Francing Order, the incorporation of which is permitted by the Governor of the Gyeonggi-do in accordance with Article 32 of the Civil Act and the rules on the establishment and supervision of non-profit corporations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Cultural Heritage Administration.

B. A notice of convening a temporary board of directors and a resolution of the board of directors 1) The Defendant’s executive officers (director and auditor) on June 18, 2017 shall be notified of the Defendant’s temporary board of directors (hereinafter “instant notice of convening a temporary board of directors”) as follows:

(A) Date: Place on July 2, 2017: Agenda 5 p.m. Office:

1. Cases of approval in respect of the election and dismissal of officers:

2. Other 2) Accordingly, around 17:00 on July 2, 2017, the Defendant’s temporary board meeting (hereinafter referred to as “the instant board of directors”) is held at the office of the G principal meeting (hereinafter referred to as “the instant board of directors”) at around 11 and 2 auditors, who are the Defendant’s officers.

The meeting minutes of the board of directors held on July 2, 2017 by the Defendant were the following resolutions (hereinafter referred to as “instant resolution”) by the board of directors of the instant case.

state that this is made.

The case of removal of directors D: D, C, and removal from office, seven affirmative votes from among the nine members present at the time of ballot counting, and the case of removal from office from office from office of the plaintiff and H: The plaintiff and the seven members present at the meeting and one dissenting vote from among the seven members, and the case of removal from office of the plaintiff who passed a resolution from office: Five affirmative votes from among the seven members present at the meeting and two dissenting votes from among the two members present at the meeting.

C. The main contents of the defendant's articles of incorporation are the defendant's articles of incorporation.
