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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2020.02.18 2020고정11

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 3,000,000.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

The crime of telephone financial fraud (one-time “Sing”) is a fraud that causes employees of Bosing Mediation to remit money to an investigation agency under the name of a large number of unspecified victims, misrepresenting the victim’s account by telephone to an investigation agency, misrepresenting the user’s employee, falsely falsely and allowing a low interest loan if the existing loan is repaid. The crime is a one-time crime that prevents employees of Bosing Mediation Mediation from deceiving the victim by telephone, Internet, etc. abroad, such as China, etc.; one-time act that educates and instructs the victims of the domestic activities; one-time act of directly receiving money by misrepresenting the victim’s staff; one-time act of directly receiving money by deceiving the victim; one-time act of withdrawing the damaged amount; and one-time act of remitting from the delivery book; and one-time act of remitting from the delivery book to the account managed by the Ssing Mediation System.

【Criminal Facts】

On December 15, 2018, the Defendant received a proposal to the effect that, “B bank C agent,” and “D Financial Services E division,” from the telephone financial fraud assistance staff who misrepresented “B bank C agent” and “D Financial Services E division,” “if the transaction performance results are made in such a way as to deposit the company’s money into the party’s own account and to deposit it in cash and return it to the employees of the lending company, the Defendant may open the lending passbook up to the limit of KRW 38 million,00,000,000,” and the Defendant was investigated into the violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act two times as of the date the C Card, which was already delivered to obtain a loan in the past, was used in the crime of Bophishing, and the above series of process is the typical method of the crime of Bophishing and the role of delivering the money acquired by the victims.
