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텍스트 조절
(영문) 청주지방법원제천지원 2020.10.15 2019고단234

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

Around July 15, 2018, the Defendant, who attempted special larceny of the 2019 Highest 234, was gathered to steal the articles in the C&A parking lot located in Seocheon-si B, and D and D, known to the NA and the articles in the vehicle in which no correction is made.

Accordingly, the Defendant, at around 01:35 on the same day, opened the door of the vehicles parked with D and parked and found the object of the crime, found F rocketing vehicles owned by E Co., Ltd. with no correction of the front door, and the Defendant reported the network in front of the above vehicle and displayed the objects to be stolen by opening and cutting the front door of the vehicle, but failed to discover it.

Accordingly, the defendant tried to steals another's property in collaboration with D, but did not commit an attempted crime.

"200 Highest 343"

2. Damage to property;

A. A. Around April 2020, the Defendant destroyed studio 1, the victim H owned in Y in YY, and the Defendant: (a) under the influence of alcohol, set up TV, which is the victim’s possession at the bottom and not operated; (b) laid off a lusherative substance toward the cooling pipe, and laid down two lusherative agents, etc. with a lusherative substance toward the windows free of windows, respectively; and (c) damaged the amount of the unpaid repair cost to the extent that it is the victim’s ownership, 1, 1, and 2 glass windows.

B. Around May 2, 2020, the Defendant destroyed the said vehicle to the extent of KRW 519,803 of repair cost by shouldering the part front of the right-hand edge of L Lasttop vehicle, which was parked there, without any reason, at the front of the Victim K, the victim K, which was parked there.

3. Attempted larceny;

A. On August 10, 2020, around 03:36, the Defendant: (a) discovered an Obaf car, which was parked therein, in front of the victim N incheon-si M; and (b) did not commit an attempted crime without being opened, after having discovered the Obaf car, which was the victim’s possession, for the purpose of theft of property.

B. The Defendant on August 10, 2020
