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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 상주지원 2016.06.14 2016고단129

A person shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not less than four months and by imprisonment for not more than four months with prison labor for a crime set forth in the holding.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal history] The Defendant was sentenced to six months of imprisonment for a violation of road traffic law (unlicensed driving) in the Daegu District Court Kimcheon on May 7, 2015, and the judgment became final and conclusive on May 15, 2015.

[2016 order 129]

1. The Defendant violating the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents is a person who is engaged in driving of the first passenger car in C C.

On October 19, 2013, the Defendant, without a driver's license of a motor vehicle on October 17:40, 2013, operated a one-lane from the gate border to the mountain. The Defendant, at the time of residence, was operating a motor vehicle at the speed of 132 km from the gate border.

In such cases, a person engaged in driving of a motor vehicle has a duty of care to prevent accidents in advance while checking the safety of course by checking the right and the right of the front side.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected to do so and proceeded with the vehicle, thereby resulting in the Defendant’s failure to drive the victim D(33 Do) driving the vehicle at the front door of the said vehicle with the vehicle fixed at the front door, and received the part behind the KS-7 car.

Ultimately, the Defendant suffered, by negligence in the above business, the injury to the victim D, such as catum cat, which requires approximately three weeks of medical treatment, and the injury to the victim F (V, 30) such as catum catum catum, which requires approximately three weeks of medical treatment.

2. Violation of the Road Traffic Act (Non-licenseless Driving) Defendant 1 driven a C-W-man car without a driver’s license at a distance of about 100 km from the front of the residence of the Defendant, to the place of the accident described in the above paragraph 1, via the door-si from the front of the dwelling of the Defendant, No. 107, to the front of the dwelling of the Defendant.

3. The Defendant violated the Guarantee of Automobile Compensation for Damages, even though he was prohibited from driving a motor vehicle which was not covered by mandatory insurance, operated the first passenger car by C, which was not covered by mandatory insurance at the same time and place as set forth in the above paragraph 1.

[2016 Highest 159]

4. On April 4, 2016, the Defendant violated the Traffic Act (unlicensed driving) on the road.
