1. The plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.
2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.
1. Facts of recognition;
가. 원고 A에 대한 검사 및 치료 경과 1) 원고 A은 20세 무렵 흡입성 폐렴을 앓았고, 약 7년 전 가래, 쌕쌕거림(wheezing) 증상으로 2달간 치료를 받았으며, 2013. 11.경 좌측 하부 흉부 통증으로 개인병원에서 대상포진으로 진단받은 적이 있었다. 2) 원고 A은 그 직후인 2013. 11. 26. 피고가 운영하는 분당서울대학교병원(이하 ‘피고 병원’이라 한다)에 내원하여 흉부 컴퓨터단층촬영(CT)을 받았고, 위 검사 결과 좌측 폐 하엽 분절에 1cm 크기의 폐 결절(원발성 폐암 또는 폐전이, 결핵이나 비결핵 항산균 감염증과 같은 염증성 병변), 3cm 크기의 좌측 부신 종괴(부신 선종 또는 부신 암, 후복막 종양) 소견이었다.
3) On December 19, 2013, the medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital assessed that there was no unique scarmon test with respect to the baloneum malone, and that there was no symptoms of the Plaintiff A, and that there was no possibility of functional malone (the long-term size of scarmoning scarmon, such as the father, is increased, and at the same time, there is a large amount of scarmon powder), but the possibility of malone malone cannot be completely ruled out, and it cannot be completely ruled out whether the malone of the malone cancer is all, so if it is determined as the malone cancer after the examination, the medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital planned to confirm the existence of the malone cell through the organizational examination. 4) On December 19, 2013, the medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital extracted the malone malone organ salonealone embryo of the Plaintiff A from the malone organ.
As a result, it was observed that the anti-presidential cell, which seems to have a serious change in the unspecific form due to the reaction to salt symptoms around the child-care species salt that forms a dystyp, was difficult to distinguish it from the crypary cells of the cell examination.
The medical team at the defendant hospital shall be a number of medical doctors with respect to the results of the examination of the satise cell.