1. The Plaintiff:
A. As to Defendant A’s KRW 3,040,040,673 and KRW 500,00,000 among them
B. Defendant B is Defendant A.
1. Indication of claim;
A. On December 27, 2004, the Plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the Defendants in Daegu District Court 2003Kadan97005 (No. 2003Gadan97005) and won the lawsuit, and the said judgment was finalized on January 26, 2005.
B. The Defendants are obligated to pay the principal and interest based on the above judgment to the Plaintiff, and the Defendants did not pay the principal and interest balance of the judgment so far and did not remain the following obligations:
However, the Plaintiff shall claim against the Defendants under the litigation economy only for the amount of KRW 500,00,000, which is a partial payment of the balance of the above loan principal of KRW 816,018,692, and interest for delay.
At present, the loan balance and attempted interest to be paid by the Defendants to the Plaintiff are as follows.
순번 대출 과목 판결원금 잔액 (원) 미수이자(원) [2014.09.11.까지] 청구하는 일부 원금(원) 청구하는 일부원금에 대한 이자(원) 합계 (원) 연대 보증인 지 연 배상금 1 기타시설 자금대출 245,645,692 1,076,217,781 150,514,746 659,432,065 809,946,811 2014. 9. 12.부터 이 사건 소장부본 최종송달일까지 연 19%, 그 다음날부터 다 갚는 날까지 연 20% 2 기타시설 자금대출 170,000,000 697,240,329 104,164,280 427,220,805 531,385,085 3 일반자금 대출 15,000,000 204,794,711 9,190,966 125,484,081 134,675,047 4 일반자금 대출 17,000,000 211,148,849 10,416,428 129,377,457 139,793,885 5 일반자금 대출 31,000,000 255,627,808 18,994,663 156,631,098 175,625,761 6 기타시설 자금대출 50,000,000 315,992,108 30,636,553 193,618,179 224,254,732 7 기타시설 자금대출 50,000,000 315,992,108 30,636,553 193,618,179 224,254,732 6 상업어음할인 207,373,000 815,976,908 127,063,879 499,974,399 627,038,278 B C ㈜경심토건 ㈜우진화섬 ㈜D 7 기타시설 자금대출 30,000,000 252,450,739 18,381,932 154,684,410 173,066,342 합 계 816,018,692 4,145,441,341 500,000,000 2,540,040,673 3,040,040,673
C. On the other hand, Defendant B, Defendant C, Defendant Gyeong-ro Co., Ltd., Defendant Jinjin Co., Ltd., and Defendant.