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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2020.01.22 2019고단3902

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of five million won.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, KRW 100,000.


Punishment of the crime

On June 11, 2019, the Defendant stated that “A loan may be made to B by making a record of money deposited in the amount of three months’ salary, although credit rating is not normal due to low credit rating,” at a location in the name of the singingingman, at a closed place. It would be possible to grant a loan up to KRW 18 million to B by finding money to deposit the suspect’s account for three months.” In this way, the Defendant stated that “A loan will be made up to KRW 18 million if the suspect’s account is to be used.”

However, the Defendant was subject to criminal punishment as above with the purport that “the Defendant was bound to withdraw cash when transferring a means of access or keeping the means of access in custody from the means of access to a card,” and thus, was aware that the account to be provided to a lender may be used for the crime of Bophishing, such as not verifying the existence of a regular registration of the lending company.

Nevertheless, the Defendant promised to withdraw and deliver the money deposited to the Defendant’s account from the Defendant’s bank account at the same place on the same day and on the same day, and notified the B bank account in the name of the Defendant. C

On June 14, 2019, the name-freeist stated that “The victim D may be exempted from suspicion of transfer to the Financial Supervisory Service by borrowing KRW 5 million in addition to KRW 12 million in the account,” by telephone from the victim D. In other words, “The Seoul Southern Site Office E-public prosecutor and the telephone Hara,” and “the victim may be exempted from suspicion of transfer by borrowing KRW 5 million in addition to KRW 12 million in the account.”

However, in fact, a person who is not a prosecutor of E, but only a person who is not a prosecutor of E, has attempted to acquire money by means of phishing from the victim.

On June 14, 2019, by deceiving the victim as above, and deceiving the victim from the victim, he was transferred KRW 17 million to the B bank account under the above defendant's name from 11:31.
