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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2015.11.10 2010고단3083 (2)

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

[2010 Highest 3083]

1. The Defendant, in violation of the Punishment of Violences, etc. Act (joint conflict) committed violent crime crimes, which act as a member of the organization of the Silung-gu, a group of organized group in which a group of members of the Silung-gu, took part in the Silung-gu, with the intent to raise money to the “morri-gu” business owners, who are entertainment establishments providing entertainment establishments with an “morri-gu” under the name of the term “morri-gu”, such as entertainment entertainment and loan, as the protection expense.

Around September 2009, the Defendant mobilized G, H, etc., as a result of the follow-up distribution organization G, etc., and around September 1, 2009, the Defendant saw that the victim J (Nam, and 47 years of age), operating the “I” sidewalk at Singu C, Singu, would not have any funds to support their lives. The Defendant saw that the Defendant would not run the news business if he did not pay 10,000 won a day on the ground of the status of the organized violence.

Accordingly, the Defendant jointly with G, H, etc. and received a total of KRW 10,000 per day from September 2009 to September 2010, an amount equivalent to KRW 3,600,000 per day in the name of protection expenses from the victim J, and in the same manner, the victim “S” in No. 13 of the indictment No. 13 of the annexed crime sight table in the annexed crime list is deemed to be the clerical error of “T”. Thus, it is corrected to “T”.

As described above, the victims received total amount of KRW 39.1 million.

2. On August 2010, the Defendant damaged an unregistered property at the market price by shouldering the victim N’s 'M’ news report room with the camping net on the ground that the news report room proprietor, before the L office located in K Gag-do or in the first floor of the building, was fluored and fluored in front of the L office located in Sinsi-si.

3. On July 2010, the Defendant was able to combine the victim Q Q ( South and 31 years of age) who operates a “P” sidewalk in the Seocho-si, Seocho-si, Sinsan-si, with the business of operating the P, as a new one. Accordingly, the Defendant was able to do so. The Defendant was 5:5.
