A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.
except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.
Punishment of the crime
1. Around 07:50 on January 16, 2020, the Defendant driven a DNA car with a blood alcohol content of about 3.6 km from the front side of the Busan Jin-gu B apartment to the front side of the same Gu C building at approximately 0.129% under the influence of alcohol.
2. Violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (Bodily Injury resulting from D Driving) is a person engaging in driving a DRati car.
On January 16, 2020, the Defendant driven the said car under the influence of alcohol of 0.129% with a blood alcohol concentration of 07:50% on January 16, 2020, and led the road in front of the Busan Busan Jin-gu C building to the air-water outflow from the lower intersection to the lower intersection.
At the time, vehicles that run on the front side of the defendant were stopped in accordance with the vehicle stop signal, so in such a case, the driver had a duty of care to safely drive by accurately manipulating the front door and the steering gear.
Nevertheless, the Defendant, due to influence of drinking, flicked red light on the face, flicked red, flicked, flicked and walked without being negligent in driving at the front of the Defendant, and flicked by the victim E (the age of 39) who was standing in the front of the Defendant’s vehicle, flick part of the driver’s vehicle driven by the Defendant at the front of the said Lhz and caused the said Lhz to be driven by the victim G (the age of 51) who was standing in the front of the said Lhz car due to its shock and caused the said flick part to be driven by the front flick part.
Ultimately, the Defendant, as seen above, was driving under a difficult condition due to influence of drinking, and suffered injury, such as “finites and tensions,” which requires two weeks’ medical treatment, to the victim E, such as “finites and tensions,” and “finites and tensions,” which require two weeks’ medical treatment to the victim G.