1. Of the part concerning the principal lawsuit in the judgment of the court of first instance, the Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff) that exceeds the following amount ordered to pay.
A principal lawsuit and a counterclaim shall be deemed simultaneously.
1. The reasoning for the court’s explanation concerning this part of the underlying facts is as follows, and it is identical to the part of the “A. Recognizing the facts of recognition” from No. 15 to No. 48 of the judgment of the first instance, except for a partial addition or replacement as follows. Thus, this part is cited in accordance with the main sentence of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure
[Supplementary or dismissed parts] Section 2 of Section 16 of the judgment of the court of first instance (hereinafter “instant building”) shall be added to “D” next to “D.”
Part IV of the judgment of the first instance shall be "Around December 2017" in Part II, "Around December 18, 2017."
2. The court's explanation of this part of the judgment on the cause of the principal claim is the same as the part of the "judgment on the cause of the principal claim" from No. 4 of the judgment of the first instance to No. 15 of the judgment. 10 of the judgment. Thus, this part is cited pursuant to the main sentence of Article 420
3. Judgment on the counterclaim and the counterclaim against the principal lawsuit
가. 피고의 주장 요지 1) 피고는 이 사건 건물의 철근 콘크리트 공사 중 9층 바닥 부분까지 시공하여 이 사건 공사 중 92.063%를 완성하였으므로, 원고가 피고에게 지급할 기성공사대금은 1,563,598,000원(≒ 약정 공사비 1,698,400,000원 × 기성고 비율 92.063%) 당사자가 주장하는 바에 따라 1,000원 미만을 반올림한 금액이다. 이다. 그런데 피고는 원고로부터 기성공사대금 중 963,000,000원 피고는 원고로부터 지급받은 기성공사대금이 1,258,640,000원이라고 주장하다가(2018. 10. 25.자 반소장 등), 이후 963,000,000원이라고 주장을 변경하였다(2019. 4. 8.자 준비서면). 을 지급받았고, 원고의 대위변제금 161,550,000원이 기성공사대금에서 공제되어야 하므로, 미지급 공사대금은 439,048,000원(= 1,563,598,000원 - 963,000,000원 - 161,550,000원)이다. 2) 한편 원고는 설계변경 전 허가도면에 기초하여 피고에게 선시공을 구두로 지시한 후 시공된...