본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원 순천지원 2018.06.27 2018고단486


A Imprisonment for four months, and Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of four million won.


B The above fine.


Punishment of the crime


A is the male-child-friendly Gu of all women of the victim E (25) and the defendant B is the native Gu of the defendant A.

1. On December 29, 2017, Defendant A: (a) around 01:30 on drinking and drinking water; (b) around 01:30 on December 29, 2017, the Defendant assaulted the victim, who was drinking alcoholic beverages on other the table table “G”, with the victim’s bating bating and cutting the bat on the floor of the victim’s bat; (c) bating the bat, bating the bat and cutting the bat and cutting the bat on the floor; and (d) bating the victim, who was fatd away from the bating.

2. Defendant B and Defendant B entered the instant B’s bill of indictment with the J on December 29, 2017, in which around 01:45, Defendant B entered H, on the ground that the immediately preceding injured party endeded her shoulder at the entrance of the second floor G of the building after getting off the main points of the building, and her shouldered at the entrance of the second floor. Defendant B and Defendant B got out of the middle floor of the instant coffee shop. Defendant B stated that “On the ground that they got out of the middle floor of the building at the same time after having gone through the coffee shop, she was able to take off the victim’s face once a week.” However, Defendant A and Defendant B, ex officio, stated that “under the said B’s phone call,” this part was modified in accordance with this evidence and recognized as a criminal fact.

On the ground that the victim was suffering from the victim's face while booming the victim's her face, assaulted by drinking the victim's face at one time.

As a result, the Defendants jointly conducted the victim's impairment of crypology, gryp, diagnosis, hypology, loss of crypology, hyp, loss of hyp and hand, and other salpology, gypology, diagnosis, injury of salprypity, gypryp, gyp, and gypology.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant B’s legal statement

1. The defendant A's partial statement

1. A protocol concerning the interrogation of suspects of E;

1. Each statement K and L;

1. Each injury diagnosis certificate (E);

1. Application of the photographic Acts and subordinate statutes;

1. Relevant Article of the Act and the choice of punishment for the crime;

A. Defendant A: Article 260(1) (a) of the Criminal Act and violence, etc.
