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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 안동지원 2018.02.22 2015가합3645

1. The plaintiffs' respective conjunctive claims against Defendant N and P are dismissed.

2. Defendant M&O shall:


1. Basic facts

A. The Defendants’ relationship 1) Defendant M andO is the husband and wife, Defendant N and P are the parents of Defendant M. (2) Defendant M andO agreed to guarantee the principal and pay high profits in order to raise business funds on or around January 2013, and conspired to invite investors. Defendant M recruited recruited investors by explaining the business plan to many and unspecified persons, and DefendantO decided to share the role of identifying investors’ deposit of investment funds and remitting profits and refunds to investors under the direction of Defendant M with the direction of Defendant M.

3) For the purpose of virtual currency-related business, Defendant M changed the trade name on March 12, 2015 to Q Q Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “R”) into “Stock Co., Ltd.”).

Defendant M&O established and on May 13, 2015, Defendant M&O Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “S”).

B) Around July 2014, Defendant M was established. A’s investment, at the time of operating the Plaintiff’s business, whose profits were lower than expected and who received investments in return for promising investments, and even if there were many investors who received investments from the Plaintiff, there was no intent or ability to pay the principal and profits to the existing investors. Thus, even if the Plaintiff received investments from the Plaintiff, Defendant M did not have an intent or ability to pay the profits to the existing investors. Nevertheless, Defendant M did not have an intent or ability to pay the profits even if it received investments from the Plaintiff A. Nevertheless, Defendant M made a false statement to the Plaintiff that “I will make an investment after December 2014.” Although there were shares, etc., it would guarantee the principal after one year. Accordingly, Plaintiff A received investments from Defendant M around July 7, 2014, even if it did not receive investments from the Plaintiff M around 200,000,000 won, it was an investment from Plaintiff M&A’s intent and around 28, 2014.

60,000 won per co-owner.
