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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대구지방법원 영덕지원 2018.02.09 2017고단12

The defendant is not guilty. The summary of the judgment against the defendant shall be published.


공소사실의 요지 피고인은 2015. 11. 경 경북 울진군 F에 있는 피해자 G 운영의 H 공장에서 피해 자로부터 펠렛 기계 등의 수입을 의뢰 받으면서 피해자를 알게 되었다.

피고인은 2016. 1. 4. 경 중국 불상지에서 피해 자로부터 “ 톱밥 분쇄기와 집진 기의 구입하려고 하는데, 알아봐 달라.” 는 취지의 연락을 받고 2016. 1. 6. 경까지 사이에 피해자에게 “ 톱밥 분쇄기에서는 펠렛을 분쇄하여 시간당 4~5 톤의 톱밥을 만들 수 있는 것으로 확인되고, 톱밥 분쇄기와 집진기의 가격은 6,700만원에 구입해 주겠다.

“The purpose of “ was to make a false statement.”

However, even if the defendant receives the above payment from the injured party, he did not have the intent or ability to install the victim by purchasing saws and saws which can work normally from the Chinese company.

In addition, on January 11, 2016, the Defendant was urged by the victim to the effect that “I want to purchase the collected wood machinery first” from the victim, and on January 30, 2016, the Defendant is able to purchase the victim’s 14-type machines that are necessary incidental to the collected wood machinery from the victim until January 30, 2016.

“The purpose of “ was to make a false statement.”

However, the defendant did not have the intention or ability to install the victim by purchasing the diversative wood machinery that can work normally and the 14 incidental machinery necessary therefor.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, as seen above, received KRW 5,00,000 from the Defendant’s personal debt, etc. to the national bank account under the name of Do governor and Do governor-man on January 5, 2016, under the name of Do governor-man and Do governor-man, and received KRW 147,00,000 in total from 15 times until February 2, 2016, as stated in the list of crimes in the separate sheet of crimes, while he received KRW 147,00,000 as machinery payment, it was used in the Defendant’s personal debt payment, etc. to the extent that the victim would not be properly assembled.
