A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.
However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.
Punishment of the crime
The Defendant stated that the Victim B (V, 52 years of age) who was in a fluenal relationship is a fluoral declaration and that the Defendant would no longer find any longer.
하자, 위험한 물건인 시너를 구입하여 소지한 채로 2017. 5. 9. 08:55 경 인천 계양구 C에 있는 피해자 운영의 D 식당에 찾아가 현관 출입문을 안에서 잠그고 피해자에게 “ 내가 뭘 좀 사 왔어.
The term “the victim” and “the victim and the body fighting in order to show and threaten two scenarios to the victim, and to cut the fluor of a fluor and to cut the fluor, and the victim throwed one stop away from the window and thrown the brush out of the window,” and “the week of liquor tax.”
“Along to the end, I am am ..” and “I am to the end, I am to open a gas valve and as I am to the bar, I am to the end, and I am to the effect that I am to stop the gas valve in order to stop gas supply due to the safety source location, and the victim does not operate without operating the bar, and caused the victim to escape out of the bar.
In this respect, the defendant carried a dangerous object, and threatened the victim.
Summary of Evidence
1. Statement by the defendant in court;
1. Statement made by the police with regard to B (on May 9, 2017);
1. A police seizure protocol (voluntary submission), and a list of seizure;
1. A report on internal investigation (investigation into the scene and shooting of the victim's relative to the scene);
1. Application of the Acts and subordinate statutes on the screen of seized objects and field photographs, victim's standing photographs, photographs taken by the victim to reproduce the crime, and seed pictures for crime prevention purposes;
1. Relevant Article 284 of the Criminal Act, Articles 283 (1) and 283 of the Criminal Act, the choice of punishment for the crime, and the choice of imprisonment;
1. Article 62 (1) of the Criminal Act on the stay of execution (The following circumstances considered in favor of the reasons for sentencing);
1. Article 62-2 of the Criminal Act on the observation of protection;
1. Reasons for sentencing under Article 48(1)1 of the Criminal Act;
1. The scope of the recommended punishment according to the sentencing criteria [the type of violence] shall be used;