본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 광주지방법원해남지원 2020.01.14 2018가단1862
토지인도 등

1. The Defendant (Counterclaim Plaintiff) against the Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant)

A. Attached Map 1.2 of each land listed in Attached List 1.2


The principal lawsuit and counterclaim shall also be deemed to have been filed.

1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff completed the registration of ownership transfer based on the donation on November 17, 1998 with respect to the land listed in the attached list No. 1 of the attached list.

B. On September 30, 1987, Jindo-gun was registered as the area of 204 square meters at the time of the land indicated in the attached list No. 2 of the attached Table No. 2, and was corrected to the area as of January 4, 2019.

After completing the registration of transfer of ownership (the sale on February 15, 1987) with respect to B, it was owned independently, and on August 9, 1989, C completed the registration of transfer of ownership (the sale on February 28, 1988) with respect to 174/204 shares among them, and C completed the registration of transfer of ownership (the registration date) with respect to the Plaintiff on the same day.

After that, on April 29, 2015, Jindo-gun completed the registration of ownership transfer (sale on April 29, 2015) with respect to remaining 30/204 shares among the lands listed in the attached Table No. 2 of the attached Table No. 2.

As a result, the Plaintiff owned the land indicated in the attached list No. 2 independently.

C. The Defendant completed the registration of preservation of ownership on July 26, 1979 with respect to the land listed in the separate sheet No. 3, and the registration of preservation of ownership on February 22, 1980 with respect to the land listed in the separate sheet No. 4, and the registration of preservation of ownership on January 7, 1994 with respect to the land listed in the separate sheet No. 5.

Attached Form

Land listed in paragraph 6 of the list is state property the Republic of Korea has completed registration of ownership preservation on August 1, 1973.

E. The defendant's set up D (the death of April 7, 1992) completed the registration of initial ownership on October 24, 1991 as to the houses listed in the Attached List No. 7, and the defendant completed the registration of initial ownership on December 24, 1996 as to the houses listed in the Attached List No. 8.

F. At present, the house listed in paragraph 8 of the attached list is residing by the defendant, and the house listed in Paragraph 7 of the attached list is leased to a third party in the absence of signature and is residing by the defendant.

G. However, the summary of each land listed in the separate sheet Nos. 7 and 8 is indicated in the separate sheet No. 3, which is the site.
