2014Gohap606 Violation of the Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crimes and Protection of Victims thereof (13 years of age)
Minor Rape, etc., Punishment of Sexual Crimes and Protection of Victims
Rape in violation of the Act on the Protection, etc. of Sexual Crimes
Indecent Act on Special Cases Concerning Punishment, etc. (Indecent Act by Relatives)
The violation of the Act on the Protection of Juveniles against Sexual Abuse (Indecent Act by Compulsion)
2014. Written order to attach (Joint) 50
Persons whose attachment order is requested;
An operator of △△ (70 years old, South) and dump vehicles;
Residential Suwon City
Reference domicile Eunpyeong-gu Seoul
E. B.I.D. (Courtrooms), lease, and stuff (Courtrooms)
Defense Counsel
Attorney Cho Jae-py
Imposition of Judgment
April 9, 2015
The Defendant’s motion to attach the instant attachment order is dismissed.
1. Summary of the facts charged
From around 2009 to early 2011, the defendant and the victim live together with the victim's leader, 00 in Suwon-si, Suwon-si, Suwon-si. The victim was living together with the early YO while living together with the early YO, and the defendant, the above 00, the victim, etc. were living together in Suwon-si, Suwon-si, Suwon-si, the early 201.
A. On August 17, 2009, at around 00, the defendant visited the house of the defendant's house located in the Young-gu, Suwon-si, Suwon-si, and at around 00, the victim (at the time, 10 years old), who visited the house of the defendant's house, was unaware of the meaning of sexual act due to the age of the defendant, and was in a situation where psychological resistance cannot be able due to the defendant's relation with the defendant, and tried to have sexual intercourse by walking the victim's original sponsor, and inserting the defendant's sexual organ into the defendant's sexual organ, but did not enter the attempted crime, and instead inserted the finger into the victim's sexual organ.
B. From 3 to 4 days after the date mentioned in the above paragraph (a) above, the Defendant sought to have sexual intercourse by putting off the victim's her will and panty in the same manner as at the above defendant's house, but did not enter the victim's sexual organ, and instead inserting her fingers into the victim's sexual organ. At around 30:0 on July 24, 2014, the Defendant inserted the victim's fingers into the victim's sexual organ. At around 30:0 on July 24, 2014, at the defendant's house located in Suwon-gu, Suwon-gu, Suwon-si, Suwon-si, Suwon-si, and at around 15:0, she believed that the victim was her fingers and her the victim's sexual organ. However, the victim refused to do so, the Defendant forced the victim to leave his/her chest and forced him/her to do so by committing an indecent act.
2. Defendant and his defense counsel’s assertion
The Defendant, while denying the police from committing the crime to this court, did not have any act of sexual intercourse with 00 or indecent act by compulsion as stated in the facts charged, and, due to the failure to play a role as a father for a long time, the Defendant’s life is strongly asserting that 00 days after he made a false statement at an investigative agency to return to his home, he would look at the family and live as a good father.
3. Determination
A. Comprehensively taking account of the evidence examined by the court of this case, the following facts can be acknowledged. The developments leading up to the commencement of the investigation of this case
On July 24, 2014, 00: (a) around 01:0, 00, she told ○○, who was sexually committed an indecent act by the Defendant at his own home, and she met with her △△△△△△△△△△△, and later, 00 told her her son and her son, who was sexually committed an indecent act by the Defendant. 00 her son and her son, her son, her son, her son, her son, her son, and her son, her son, her son, her son, and her son, her son, her son, her son, her son, and her son, her son, her son, her son, her son, her son, her son, her her son, her her son, and her her son, her her her her the police.
2 ) 은00의 진술가 ) 은00은 2014. 9. 11. 경찰 1회 조사에서 공소사실 제1항과 관련하여 " 제가 초등학교 4학년 때 아빠 집으로 놀러 갔는데 갑자기 아빠가 저한테 오더니 바지 벨트를 어떻게 푸는 거냐고 묻더니 제 바지를 벗기고 아빠 성기를 꺼내서 제 성기에 넣으려고 하는데 안 들어가니깐 손가락을 집어 넣었어요. 아빠가 술 먹고 아무 말도 없이 저한테 와서 그렇게 했어요. . " 라고 진술하였고, 공소사실 제2항과 관련하여 " 아빠가 술을 먹고 첫 번째와 똑같이 밑에 바지와 팬티를 벗기고 제 성기를 손으로 만지며 누르더니 저한테 뒤를 돌라고 한 후 아빠 성기를 제 성기에 넣으려고 했는데 안 들어가니깐 아빠가 손가락으로 제 성기에 집어넣었어요. " 라고 진술하였고, 공소사실 제3항과 관련하여 " 제가 학교를 갔다 오니깐 새엄마가 집을 나갔고 저한테도 아빠가 나가서 놀다 오라고 해서 놀다가 밤 8시가 넘어서 집에 들어오니깐 아빠가 술을 먹고 있길래 저는 제 방에 가서 누워있는데, 아빠가 저를 부르길래 못 들은 척하고 누워있는데, 아빠가 제 방에 문을 열고 힐끔힐끔 몇 번 왔다 갔다 하면서 보다가 들어와서 제 옆에 누워서 저한테 아빠 믿지 하더니 제 바지 속으로 손을 집어넣어 성기를 만지려고 하길래 제가 못 만지게 다리를 꼬다가 일어나서 할머니가 쓰던 방으로 가서 앉아 있는데, 아빠가 방으로 들어오더니 강제로 제 옷을 벗기려고 하면서 가슴과 성기를 만졌어요. 아빠가 제 바지를 벗기려고 해서 제가 못 벗기게 계속 잡고 있다가 아빠가 저를 바닥에 눕히고 제 배위로 올라와 가슴을 만지고 바지 속으로 손을 집어넣으려고 하는 것을 제가 못 넣게 하니깐 겉으로 성기를 만지다 제가 발버둥치고 집에서 도망쳐 나왔어요. " 라고 진술하였나 ) 은00은 2014. 9. 15. 경찰 2회 조사에서 공소사실 제1항과 관련하여 " 제가 원피스를 입고 있었는데 원피스 치마를 올리고 팬티를 벗긴 후에 제 배 위에 올라와서 성기를 삽입하려고 하다가 안 되니깐 저보고 뒤를 돌라고 한 후 뒤에다 아빠가 성기를 집어넣으려고 하는데 안 되니깐 저를 다시 앞으로 눕히더니 옆에 누워서 손가락을 넣은 거였어요. . " 라고 진술하였고, 공소사실 제2항과 관련하여 " 제 옆에 누워서 바지 벨트를 어떻게 푸는지 물어보고 바지벨트를 풀고 바지와 팬티를 벗기고 손가락을 넣어서 계속 장난쳤어요. " 라고 진술하였고, 공소사실 제3항과 관련하여 " 제가 밖에서 놀다가 밤 8시 정도에 집에 들어오니깐 아빠가 술이 취한 상태로 술을 계속 먹고 있었는데 , 제가 아빠를 보니깐 옛날 어릴 때 아빠한테 당했던 생각이 나서 두렵고 무서워서 제방에 가서 핸드폰을 하면서 있는데, 갑자기 아빠가 새엄마 찾으러 가자고 옷 입으라고해서 옷 입고 나왔더니 아빠가 차에 타라고 해서 아빠 차를 타고 - - - - - - - - - 안에 있는 찜질방 주차장에 내려 주더니 저보고 씻으라고 하더니 아빠는 어디 좀 갔다 오겠다고 한 후 제가 찜질방에서 씻고 사우나 옷 입고 있는데 아빠한테 전화 와서는 빨리 나오라고 해서 싫다고 여기서 잔다고 했더니 그냥 빨리 나오라고 해서 제가 나갔더니 아빠가 술취한 상태에서 운전해서 집까지 왔어요. ", " 아빠가 저를 계속 부르더니 제가 들은 척도 안 하니깐 제 방문이 조금 열려 있었는데 그 틈으로 저를 힐끔힐끔 쳐다보는 것을 몇 번 반복하다가 방문을 열고 들어왔어요. 제 옆으로 와서 눕더니 다짜고짜 아빠 믿냐고 하면서 갑자기 제 바지에 손을 넣어서 음부를 만지려고 하길래 제가 다리를 꼬고 있어서 못 만지게 한 다음 제가 힘껏 아빠를 밀치고 일어나서 할머니가 사용하던 방으로 갔는데 아빠가 술이 떡이 돼서 그런 것 같다며 미안하다고 하더니 갑자기 제앞으로 저를 덥쳐서 배 위에 올라와 앉더니 제 바지 안으로 손을 집어넣어 만지려고하고 제 가슴도 만지려고 하는 것을 제가 못 만지게 하면서 둘이 손싸움과 몸싸움을 한 4 - 5분 정도 계속 하다가 제가 아빠를 밀치고 일어나서 바로 현관문을 열고 도망갔 어요. " 라고 진술하였다 .
C) On September 28, 2014, the Defendant was detained on the instant case. On October 10, 2014, 00, the Defendant requested the prosecutor to hold an interview with the prosecutor by saying, “The Defendant exaggerations or makes a false statement when he/she is investigated by the police” on October 10, 2014. However, the Defendant stated that “after an interview with the prosecutor, he/she was subject to the same crime as the facts charged, or if the Defendant was not punished, it would be good.”
However, on October 20, 2014, "A" 00 was voluntarily present at the prosecution of the Republic of Korea on his own, and "A" did not appear until now, "A" was submitted to the prosecution of the Republic of Korea on the same day as a mixed drinking, a bronon will be added to a bronon, and bronon will be added to a bronon, and I am back to the house. I am back to the house. I am back to the house, I do not want to do so, and I am frien, and I am frien, and I am a frien, and I am a frien, and I am a frien, and I am am frien. I recond the statement during that period.
I also stated that "I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know. I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know. I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know. I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know. I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know. I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know. I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know. I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know.
The best bar belonging to the Supreme Prosecutors' Office's Statement Analysis Division of the Scientific Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office has sufficient ability to make a statement in light of age-based cognitive and verbal ability, and as a result of the quasi-examination of the overall statement, the core facts between the police's statements and statements have been voluntarily made, and detailed and consistent statements have abundant quantity of detailed information, and the logical unity has been maintained. There has been no coercive leading question or cancer questions by the investigator who could impair the credibility of the statement in the course of the investigation, and there has been no improper discovery of interview.
4 ) 은00의 담임선생님인 김○○의 진술김오는 이 법정에서 " 은00과 어울리는 친구가 있거든요. 그 친구하고 은00이 , 친구들이 먼저 ' 은00이 상담할게 있답니다 ' 그래요. 은00이 먼저 말하기 전에 친구들이 먼저 말하더라고요. ' 일주일 전에 친구들한테 은00이 그랬대요 ' 라고 친구들이 이야기했어요. 그래서 저는 물어봤죠. 그런 경우에는 저희 교사들이 교육을 받거든요. 성에 관련된 폭행이나 추행문제는 신고해야 되는 것을 알고 있었어요. 그래도 은00의 의사를 물어봤죠. ' 너 이런 경우에는 보통 신고를 하는데, 신고할 의사가 있느냐 ' 고 그랬더니, 싫다고 그러더라고요. 신고 안 하겠다고 그렇게 말했습니다. ", " 은00의 엄마가 아이를 데리고 가출을 하고, 아버지가 술을 먹고 와서 자기를 추행하려고 했다. 이런 내용이었던 것 같습니다. 그래서 도망을 나왔다 그러더라고요. ", " 구체적으로 어떻게 했다 .
In this sense, the father has taken the same way to drink and drink the drinking rather than the story, and I talked with this formula. "I am dynasium after the other week, I am dynasium. I am dynasium first, because I am dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium dynasium.
아버님이 술을 좀 드시고 오셨더라고요. 아버님은 ' 은00 걔는 입만 열면 거짓말을 한다 ' 는 둥 그렇다면서 ' 거짓말해서 가출하려고, 친구하고 놀고 가출하려고 계속 입만 열면 거짓말을 한다 ' 고 그런 식으로 아이에 대해서 말을 하시더라고요. ", " 이 사건이 이렇게 알려지게 된 게 제가 사회복지사 선생님한테 은00이 할머니 댁에서 살게 됐잖아요. 그래서 경제적으로 힘드니까 뭔가 혜택을 줄 수 있으면 좋겠다는 생각을 했거든요 . 그것을 사회복지사한테 의뢰했어요. 그것 좀 해달라고 그러는 과정에 아마 사회복지실에서 처음에는 아마 형사님이라고 하지도 않고, 그냥 선생님이라고 한다면서 이야기를 하게 됐나 보더라고요. 그래서 아마 신고가 들어간 것 같습니다. ", " 이 사건이 이제 아버님이 구속이 되고요, 그 이후부터 애가 굉장히 힘들어했었어요. 그리고 심지어는 방학 전에는 거의 학교를 안 나오다시피 했는데요. 가끔 나와서 제가 계속 카톡도 하고 문자를 보내거든요. 카톡 알이 없으면 그 쪽에서는 못하니까 제가 보내면 답이 없는 경우도 많았는데, 가끔 학교를 보면 잠을 밤새 못 잔다는 거에요. 밤새 잠을 못 자고 , 이런 일련의 절차가 너무 애한테는 버거운 거에요. ", " 은00은 언제 와서 ' 선생님 제가 거짓말했어요 ' 그러더라고요. 그런데 저는 들으면서 처음에는 시간이 가면서 생각을 하면서 은00이 거짓말을 가끔 한다는 것을 느끼겠더라고요. 그런데 그 말을 듣고 나서 상황이 이해되더라고요. ' 그럴 수도 있겠구나 ' 라는 생각이 들었던게 어머니도 안 계시는데 아버지가 폭언하고, 뭐라고 하고, 그 때 교무실에서 보여준 그 모습을 그대로를 은00이 만날 보고 산다면 참 괴롭겠다는 생각을 했거든요. 그리고 제가 이 과정을 겪으면서 알게 된 게, 저도 참 놀라웠던게 뭐냐면 요즘 애들이 학교에 다니면서 수업 일수를 며칠만 채우면 졸업은 되니까 그것을 다 꿰고 있는 애들이 있어요. 딱 수업 일수를 채우고 나면 학교에 안 나오는 애들이 있어요. 심지어 부모님을 이런 식으로 고발하는 애들이 있다고 이야기를 듣고 조금 충격을 먹었거든요, 저도요. 실제로 학교에서 수업일수를 채우고 나면 학교에 안 나오는 애들도 있고 하니까요. 그래서 은00도 아까 제가 몰랐던 부분이 있잖아요. 제가 몰랐다고 한 부분은 진짜 몰랐거든요. ' 그런 것들이 있었으면 은00도 조금 나한테 말하지 않은 부분이 많이 있구나 ' 라는 생각을 많이 했습니다. " 라고 증언하였다 .
5) Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man, Man Man Man Man Man Man Man Man, Man Man Man Man Man, Man Man Man Man n
6) From 00 days before July 1, 200 to 00, Kim U.S.’s statement was made to the police officer, the Defendant had 00 p.m. and 10 p.m. to her house at the beginning of August, and her house had come out of her house at 8 p.m., and the Defendant got out of her house at 0 p.m., her house, and the Defendant had her house at 0 p.m., her house at 0 p.m. and had her house at 0 p.m., her 0 p.m. and had her house at 0 p.m. and 12 p.m., the Defendant got out of her house at 0 p.m., and had her house at 0 p.m. to her house, and the Defendant had her first her houseed her house at 0 p.m. to her house.
7) At the police investigation, △△△△△△△△△, 00, she tried to open her new wall with 00 telephone, and her 00, she first opened her front door, her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her her.
B. Determination
The burden of proving the facts charged in a criminal trial is to be borne by a public prosecutor, and the finding of guilt must be based on evidence with probative value that leads a judge to feel true beyond reasonable doubt. Thus, if there is no such evidence, even if there is doubt as to the defendant's guilt, it is inevitable to determine it as the benefit of the defendant (see Supreme Court Decision 2001Do2823, Aug. 21, 2001, etc.).
The following circumstances acknowledged by the court's investigation. ① 00 made a statement to the effect that she was 3 times more than 100 per hour during the investigation into the facts charged, and the defendant was 3 times more than 00 per hour during the investigation into the police, but she was 3 times more than 00 per hour during the investigation into the police, but she made a statement to the effect that she was 0 times more than 00 per hour during the investigation into the police, and she was 3 times more than 0 days more than 10 per hour after she made a statement to the effect that she was 0 days more than 0 per hour during the investigation into the police. However, she made a statement to the effect that she was 0 days more than 0 per hour after she made a statement to the effect that she was 0 days more than 10 days more after she made a statement to the effect that she was she was able to suffer from a sexual crime.
In light of the fact that other kind of crime (1) is likely to cause damage to the other kind of crime by 00, the victim of sexual assault was 00 and his statement was 10 years old and 20 years old and 4 years old and 4 days old and 0 days old and 5 days old and 0 days old and 0 days old and 4 days old and 5 days old and 0 days old and 4 days old and 5 days old and 5 days old and 0 days old and 17 days old and 17 days old and 5 days old and 0 days old and 17 days old and 17 days old and 17 days old and 17 days old, so that the defendant's statements were hard to find that 0 days old and 0 days old and 17 days old and 17 days old, and that the defendant's 0 days old and 17 days old and 17 days old were hard to find that the defendant's sexual intercourse had occurred.
In addition, the statements, etc., as shown in the facts charged, are merely a statement from 00 to see the fact of damage, such as Kim Jong-so, yellow knife, Kim U.S., △△△△, which seems to be consistent with the facts charged. As long as it is difficult to recognize the credibility of the damage statement, it is insufficient to take them as evidence
Therefore, the evidence presented by the prosecutor alone cannot be deemed to have been proven to the extent that there is no reasonable doubt, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge this.
4. Conclusion
Thus, the facts charged in this case constitute a case where there is no proof of crime, and thus, the defendant is acquitted under the latter part of Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act
Judgment on the request for attachment order
1. Summary of the cause of request for attachment order;
A person who is requested to attach an attachment order has committed a sexual crime against a minor under the age of 19 as described in the summary of the above facts charged, and is highly likely to recommit a sexual crime in light of the background of the crime, environment, character and conduct, etc.
2. Determination
As seen earlier, the judgment of innocence is pronounced on the facts charged of this case, so the request for the attachment order of this case is dismissed in accordance with Article 9(4)2 of the Act on Probation and Electronic Monitoring, Etc. of Specific Criminal Offenders.
For the purpose of judge mistake
Judge Shee-hee
Judges Maximum Min-man