1. A list of the Plaintiff’s instant lawsuits against Defendant I and the Plaintiff’s instant lawsuits against Defendant G, among the instant lawsuits.
(b) the facts of the basis;
A. 1) The J clan (hereinafter referred to as the “J clan”) is a clan that sets up K 13 years old L, and the Plaintiff’s clan is a joint set of K 15 years old L, and the Defendant and the Intervenor’s independent party clan (hereinafter referred to as the “Defendant clan”) is a joint set of 18 years old L. 2) K 18 years old L and M, and the Plaintiff and P were the descendants of K 18 years old L and M, but the 24 years old Q were the descendants of K, and the 24 years old L is the descendants of P.
Defendant D is the grandchildren of the above R, Defendant E is the grandchildren of the 24-year-old grandchildren of the O, and Defendant C is the grandchildren of the above Q.
The 15 years of age 17 and 18 years of age 17 and 20 years of age 21 and 22 years of age 23 years 24 years of age 25 and 26 years 26 years 26 years 27 years of age 25, Z AAAB AC AD AD AE B Si (A) AF AF AG N AG NH, AJ C (A) AJ AF AG AF C (A), AAV AP AP AP AP AP AP AS AS (AT) Az AV AU AV AB AB AP AB M BD BD BBG 27 years of age 24 years 24 years of age 24 years 24 years ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever is one related)
B. 1) AH is a member of the Plaintiff’s clan, but is not a member of the Defendant clan. The Plaintiff was assessed on December 16, 1917. 2) The Plaintiff’s representative of the clan entered into a contract to purchase the first land from BH on February 8, 1936. Around 1939, the Plaintiff entered into a lawsuit seeking the registration of transfer of ownership against the said BH pursuant to the above sales contract and completed the registration of transfer of ownership for the first land on April 11, 1940.
3) As to the land No. 1, under the Act on Special Measures for the Registration, etc. of Ownership of Real Estate (Act No. 3094), which was enforced as of September 29, 1980, the registration of ownership transfer (hereinafter “each of the instant registrations”) was completed for shares of 1/4 in the name of S, Defendant F, Defendant C, and Defendant D, respectively. Defendant F, on May 28, 2013, 1/4.