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텍스트 조절
(영문) 전주지방법원 2017.04.19 2016가합1723
회사에 관한 소송

1. The instant lawsuit shall be dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. At the time of October 8, 2009, the Defendant’s shareholder change situation, etc. 1) L, which was the Defendant’s actual shareholder and the representative director, is N Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “N”).

(3) A contract transferring the Defendant (hereinafter “instant acquisition agreement”) to the Defendant

A) At the time of the instant transfer agreement, the Defendant’s shareholder entered into the instant transfer agreement (O (180,000 shares), P (60,000 shares), Q (120,00 shares), R (120,000 shares), and S (180,000 shares). The Defendant’s shareholder entered into the instant transfer agreement as of April 27, 201, as of April 27, 201, the implementation of the instant transfer agreement between O and T, P, Q, R, and C (actual shares of N).

B) On October 12, 2011, L and C respectively concluded each share transfer contract between S and U, and around that time, transfer of ownership was made in the name of T (180,000 shares), C (2), U (180,000 shares) and thereafter L, C (2), N, etc. shall be dismissed from the Defendant’s representative director’s office and appoint L and D as a joint representative director.

(3) As of October 12, 201, as of the implementation of the instant final agreement, the share acquisition agreement between C and C and C that as of October 12, 201, transfer 120,000 shares of each of the Defendant to L andO is the wife of T and X (W).

between TX 180,000 shares (hereinafter referred to as “instant shares”)

(B) On January 30, 2013, L/O filed a lawsuit seeking confirmation that there was no resolution to dismiss L/L from the joint representative director at the Defendant’s temporary shareholders’ meeting as of July 2, 2012, with each of the 120,000 shares and X acquired 180,00 shares.
