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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원안양지원 2019.04.24 2018가단118846
은행계좌 입금 피해액 반환

1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Article 760(3) of the Civil Act of the general principle of liability for aiding and abetting a joint tort considers a aiding and abetting a tort as a joint tortfeasor and imposes a joint tort liability on the aiding and abetting person.

Assistance refers to all direct and indirect acts that facilitate tort. Aiding and abetting by negligence is possible in the area of civil law in which negligence is the same as that of an intentional act, in principle, for the purpose of compensating for damages. In this case, the content of negligence refers to a violation of the duty of care on the premise that there is a duty of care not to assist a tort.

However, in order to be held liable for joint tort as an negligent aiding and abetting another person’s tort, a proximate causal relationship between the aiding and abetting act and the occurrence of damages by the victim’s tort should be acknowledged. In determining whether a proximate causal relationship exists, the reasonable causal relationship should be determined by comprehensively taking into account the probability of predictability of the circumstances that facilitate the relevant tort by negligence, the impact of the act by negligence on the occurrence of damages, the degree of contribution to the formation of the victim’s trust, and the degree of contribution to the victim’s own

(See Supreme Court Decision 2013Da91597 Decided March 27, 2014, etc.). Meanwhile, Article 6(3)1 of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act prohibits, in principle, the transfer of a means of access used in an electronic financial transaction, such as an electronic card or password, such as a cash card, and punishes the act of violation. This is to ensure the stability and trust of the electronic financial transaction by preventing transparent transactions by any other person from conducting an electronic financial transaction under the name of the deposit owner.

However, electronic financial transactions are conducted.
