본 영문본은 리걸엔진의 AI 번역 엔진으로 번역되었습니다. 수정이 필요한 부분이 있는 경우 피드백 부탁드립니다.
텍스트 조절
(영문) 창원지방법원밀양지원 2016.08.10 2013가단4175
소유권이전등기 등

1. The Plaintiff’s suit against Defendant D, F, G, and Korea Housing Finance Corporation, and the Defendant limited liability company’s suit against the industry.


1. The judgment on the claim against Defendant B was made on January 20, 1994 that the instant real estate was sold in lots from Defendant B Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “B”), and paid the sales price in full, and the fact that the Plaintiff was transferred the status of the buyer of the instant real estate from H with the consent of Defendant B on September 11, 2013 is not a dispute between the parties. Thus, Defendant B is liable to implement the registration procedure for ownership transfer on the instant real estate to the Plaintiff on January 20, 1994.

2. As to the remaining Defendants

A. Basic facts 1) On January 191, 191, 1991, J Apartment Construction Co., Ltd. newly constructed two J Apartments (hereinafter “K Apartments”) on the land of 3 lots, including J apartments (hereinafter “K Apartments”, hereinafter “K Apartments”) on the ground of Gyeongnam-gun I, and suspended construction due to financial difficulties. After that, Defendant B transferred its business right to construct the above apartments around October 1993 through the Namnam Construction Co., Ltd.

B) On April 14, 2001, Defendant B transferred 182 K apartment units, including the instant real estate, to Defendant C on August 13, 2001. In addition to the above transfer contract on August 13, 2001, Defendant C agreed with Defendant C to own 50% of the Defendant C’s shares, etc., and obtained approval on August 28, 2001 to change the project undertaker of the K Apartment construction project to Defendant C.C.) Defendant B’s transfer of 182 K apartment units, composed of 182 units, including the instant real estate, to Defendant C, the construction was completed almost except for the completed construction work, and the occupants were taking prior occupancy.

2) L, the creditor of Defendant C, obtained a provisional attachment order as to the instant real estate, which was unregistered, as of May 19, 2004. Accordingly, the instant real estate on May 21, 2004.
