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텍스트 조절
(영문) 부산지방법원 2014.05.16 2013고단8289

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and four months.

The defendant shall pay 550,000 won to C who is an applicant for compensation.



Punishment of the crime

On November 29, 2012, the Defendant was sentenced to eight months of imprisonment at the Busan District Court, and completed the execution of the sentence at the Busan Detention House on April 8, 2013.

1. The Defendant commits fraud to acquire money for the purpose of selling goods on the Internet;

A. On June 18, 2013, a notice posted a statement that “gallon jum S3 sells S3 to gold 1.70,000 won” in an Internet ballon, thereby taking it into account from the victim D who believed that it was remitted to the account;

B. On the 19th day of the same month, a notice is posted to the effect that “the sale of gallon 2 Handphones in gold 400,000 won” is remitted from the victim E to the account in trust; and

C. On the 20th day of the same month, a notice stating that “where galthal jums sell S 3 to gold 200,000 won” is received from the victim F with belief that it is received 190,000 won from the victim F;

D. On the 29th day of the same month, a notice posted to the Internet Health Market stating that “the sale of the ggallon gallon (CSK)” is a 130,000 won in trust by taking over 130,000 won from the victim G;

(e) taking account remittances of 140,000 won from the victim H in the same manner on the same day and defraud them;

2. The Defendant, even though he/she did not have the intent or ability to sell goods on the Internet, up to August 2, 2013, posted a notice on August 2, 2013, stating that he/she “Trubabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbing” by accessing the mobile phone from the Seocho-gu, Busan Metropolitan Government to the mobile phone, and by receiving 30,000 won from the victim I who believed it on the same day to the Defendant’s account as the price for goods, and

9.1. By the foregoing method, the date and time of the crime against the victim L No. 6 in the annexed list of crimes shall be August 11, 2013, and the date and time of the crime against M No. 13 in the same year shall be corrected and recognized as August 8, 2013, respectively.

As such, the defendant shall receive a total of 3,392,00 won from 28 victims to 29 times (two times in case of the victimJ) under the pretext of the price of the goods.
