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텍스트 조절
(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2016.08.10 2016고단573

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

[2016 Highest 573] The defendant would pay personnel expenses to the victim F at the office of the management committee office in the Seocho-si, Sinsan-si, Sinsan-si, Sinsan-si, Sinsan-si on March 2013.

“The phrase “ was false.”

However, at the time of fact, the defendant had no particular property, and there was approximately KRW 500 million debt, and even if the company receives human resources from the complainant due to the crisis of the company's bankruptcy, there was no intention or ability to pay personnel expenses.

The Defendant did not pay the total labor cost of KRW 58,136,729, even if he/she received each of the 60 human resources around March 2015 and two human resources around April 2015.

In this respect, the defendant, by deceiving the victim, acquired economic benefits equivalent to the above amount.

[2016 Highest 809] The Defendant is a person who operated the management committee of a printing circuit board D in Ansan-si from April 2014 to May 2015.

On February 5, 2015, the Defendant would pay the victim H, who is an operator of G, in the said place of business, around February 5, 2015.

“False speech was made to the effect that it was “.”

However, in fact, the defendant was faced with the crisis of bankruptcy by the above company that had been responsible and operated for the debt amounting to KRW 500 million, and there was no other revenue or property, so there was no intention or ability to pay the cost of processing the printed circuit board.

As such, the Defendant: (a) by deceiving the victim H; and (b) obtained the delivery of the forest processing circuit board from February 6, 2015 to February 16, 2015 from the damaged party; (c) instead of paying the amount equivalent to KRW 20,986,350, the Defendant acquired it by deception.

In addition, the Defendant, as stated in the list of crimes in the attached Form, had three victims from around that time to April 13, 2015 requested the process of forming a printed circuit board, and deceiving them as if they would pay the price.
