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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.04.03 2015고단192

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

Any person who intends to engage in foreign exchange business shall have sufficient capital, facilities and human resources for foreign exchange business and shall register such business with the Minister of Strategy and Finance in advance, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.

Nevertheless, on September 17, 2004, the defendant was able to make a lot of money through the so-called exchange work from a Chinese person under his name while entering Korea. From October 1, 2004 to conduct the above exchange work, the defendant shall have his wife residing in China entrust all of the remittance work from China to Korea to the Republic of Korea, and shall have such person be recruited from Korea as E), F, G, H, etc. The defendant shall open another's account under the name of another, and if the money was transferred from China to the above exchange account from China to the above exchange account, the defendant shall withdraw the request amount from the Chinese exchange account to the other party, and if the money was transferred from the Chinese exchange account to the other party in the name of the Chinese government, the defendant shall have the person residing in China to receive the money from the Chinese government exchange from the Chinese government exchange account to the other party, the defendant shall deposit the money from the Chinese government exchange account to the other party, and if the money was transferred from the Chinese government exchange account to the other party, the defendant shall make the money transfer from the Chinese government exchange account to the Chinese government exchange account.
