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텍스트 조절
(영문) 울산지방법원 2014.08.27 2013가합2999

1. The sales contract concluded on September 6, 2012 between the Defendant and B is revoked.



1. Basic facts

가. 이행보증보험계약 및 B의 연대보증 (1) 주식회사 C(이하 ‘C’라 한다)는 에스케이네트웍스 주식회사(이하 ‘에스케이네트웍스’라 한다)와 계약기간을 2009. 10. 31.부터 2012. 10. 30.까지로 하는 석유제품 상표사용 및 매매에 관한 기본계약(이하 ‘주계약’이라 한다)을 체결하였다.

(2) 원고는 2009. 10. 26. 보험계약자를 C로 피보험자를 에스케이네트웍스로 하고, 보험기간을 2009. 10. 31.부터 2011. 10. 30.까지로 하여 C가 주계약상의 채무를 이행하지 않을 경우 에스케이네트웍스에 보험금 300,000,000원을 지급하는 것을 내용으로 하는 이행보증보험약정(이하 ‘이 사건 이행보증보험약정’이라 한다)을 체결하였고, B은 위 이행보증보험약정에 따라 발생할 수 있는 C의 원고에 대한 구상채무를 연대보증하였다.

(3) On April 201, the Plaintiff entered into a modified contract with the content that the insurance period is extended by October 30, 2012 under the performance guarantee insurance agreement, and B signed and sealed the said extension contract as a joint guarantor on April 22, 2011.

B. On September 6, 2012, B and the Defendant entered into a sales contract with the content that (i) the real estate listed in the separate sheet (hereinafter “instant real estate”) shall be sold to the Defendant in total of KRW 115,00,000,000, totaling KRW 20,000,000, and the remainder amount shall be paid on the date of the contract; and (ii) the remainder shall be paid on September 11, 2012 (hereinafter “instant sales contract”).

(2) On September 6, 2012, the Defendant paid the down payment of KRW 20,000,000 to B according to the instant sales contract, and the same year.

9. The balance of 11. 50,000,000 won and the next year.

9. The remainder of 45,000,000 won was paid, respectively.

(3) On September 12, 2012, B completed the registration of ownership transfer of the instant real estate to the Defendant according to the instant sales contract.

(4) At the time of the instant sales contract.
