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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2019.08.22 2019고단2220

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and two months.


Punishment of the crime

No person shall transfer or acquire a means of access.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, either solely or jointly with other persons, transferred the means of access as follows.

1. Around March 2016, the Defendant solely committed a crime: (a) transferred, from an influent place in Seo-gu, Seo-gu, Daejeon; (b) the amount of KRW 50 to one million per month per account in return for transfer and use of passbook from an influent person; and (c) the amount of passbook and OTP card connected to the national bank account (C) opened in the name of a stock company B; and (d) the amount of access ID and passwords from that time to April 2018, the Defendant transferred, by the said method, the means of access, such as one bank account opened in the name of the said stock company B; (e) the national bank account opened in the name of the stock company E; (g) the community credit cooperative account; and (g) the access ID and password of the financial institution.

2. Joint criminal conduct;

A. A. Around December 2016, the Defendant: (a) conspired with I to receive one million won per month the means of access, such as the passbook opened by I between I and to transfer the passbook to a person in default of his/her name; (b) around that time, I sent to the Defendant the head of the passbook and the check card, the OTP card, and the access ID and password of financial institutions, connected to the national bank account established under the name of J (K) at a place not exceeding Daejeon (hereinafter referred to as Daejeon), and the Defendant transferred the passbook and the check number to the Defendant; (c) from that time until March 2017, the Defendant transferred it to the person in default of his/her name at a place not exceeding Daejeon (hereinafter referred to as Daejeon), one bank account established under the name of J; (d) the community credit cooperative account established under the name of M with the Co., Ltd.; and (e) the head of the passbook and the check card connected to the agricultural bank account; and (e) the access ID and password to the means of access account.

