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텍스트 조절
(영문) 대전지방법원 2019.11.22 2019고단2638

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

Seized evidence1 to 4 shall be confiscated, respectively.

The defendant is an applicant for compensation.


Punishment of the crime

성명불상자가 운영하는 전화금융사기(일명 ‘보이스피싱’) 조직은 불특정 다수의 피해자들에게 전화하여 수사기관을 사칭하며 피해자의 계좌가 범죄에 연루되어 있다고 속여 돈을 인출하게 한 후 건네받아 가는 방법으로 사기 범행을 저지르는 조직으로서, 불특정 다수의 피해자들에게 전화하여 돈을 출금하여 전달하도록 속이는 ‘유인책’, 피해자를 만나 출금된 돈을 건네받고 이를 전달책에게 송금하는 ‘수거책’, 수거책으로부터 피해금원을 전달받아 총책에게 송금하는 ‘전달책’ 등으로 각 역할을 분담하고, 수사기관의 추적에 대비하여 속칭 ‘대포폰’ 또는 ‘위챗’, ‘텔레그램’ 등의 휴대폰 어플리케이션을 이용하여 서로 연락하는 점조직 형태로 운영되고 있다.

On July 8, 2019, the Defendant, upon receiving a proposal, conspiredd with the Defendant to take the responsibility of collecting and delivering cash from the victim, by presenting an official document under the name of the Chairman of the Financial Services Commission as if he was an employee of the Financial Services Commission, to the victims of singinging and delivering the document in the name of the Chairman of the Financial Services Commission.

1. Forgery of an official document;

A. On July 8, 2019, around 10:20 on July 8, 2019, the Defendant: (a) stated that “The Financial Services Commission will take measures to trace and examine the bank passbook and illegal funds through the account tracking in He’s finance; and (b) prove transparency in He’s account via the account tracking; and (c) stated that “The Financial Services Commission will have the seal to be seen as the Chairman of the Financial Services Commission’s name.”
