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텍스트 조절
(영문) 춘천지방법원강릉지원 2017.12.19 2017나30030

1. The plaintiff's claim that the court changed in exchange is dismissed.

2. The Plaintiff’s total costs of litigation.


1. Basic facts

가. 피고는 2014. 10. 20. 원고와 물품대금을 327,377,600원(단가 195,800원)으로 정하여 스크레이퍼쇼벨 1,672개를 원고로부터 제작, 공급받기로 하는 물품공급계약(이하 ‘이 사건 계약’이라 한다)을 체결하고, 도면(이하 ‘이 사건 도면’이라 한다)과 쇼벨 본체, 인터메디에이트 링크, 체인볼트, 록크볼트, 휭거 등 기존제품의 견본을 교부하였으며, 선급금으로 86,152,000원을 지급하였다.

나. 스크레이퍼쇼벨은 철도선로의 자갈치기 장비인 바라스트크리너에 장착되어 철도 선로 밑에 깔린 자갈을 고르는 기계장치로서, 쇼벨 본체 1개, 인터메디에이트 링크 1개, 스크레이퍼 휭거 2개, 로크볼트 2개, 써클립 2개, 체인볼트 2개, 로크스크류 2개, 로크와샤 2개, 헥사곤너트 4개로 구성되어 있다.

At the shock level principal body, there is a hole (connection hole) to connect the human-based link, and the chain sets shall be fixed at the bottom of the chain, inserting a chain voltage through the link hole, and the rosckeke (roscke is fixed at the xomner) at the bottom of the chain.

C. The main contents of the instant contract are as follows.

The deadline for the delivery of goods: The conditions for the payment of goods within 90 days after the request for delivery: The definitions of terms used under this condition under Article 2 (Definitions) of the General Conditions for the Purchase of Goods (Manufacture) within 10 days from the date of request (the date of delivery):

1. The term "contractor" means the president of the Corporation or a person in charge of contracting affairs with the authority delegated by the Corporation;

2. The term "contractor" means a natural or legal person who has entered into a contract to purchase goods with a contracting officer of the Korea Railroad Corporation;

Article 12 (Delivery of Goods) (1) Unless there are any special reasons to the Korean Industrial Standards under Article 24 of the Industrial Standardization Act, the other party to the contract shall provide the relevant goods (including the documents, etc. necessary for inspection) by the
