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텍스트 조절
(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2016.06.30 2016고정541

Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 7,000,000.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant and D knew that in the case of being admitted to the insurance sold by the insurance company, they can receive high-amount insurance money in the event of long-term hospitalization due to the payment of hospitalization expenses, post-payment disability expenses, hospitalization benefits, etc., the defendant and D knew that they would be able to receive high-amount insurance money.

D From February 1, 201 to April 8, 2011, the Defendant concentrated the Defendant into eight insurance products, such as the victim (victims)’s marine insurance and (jus) fire insurance, etc., through the insurance hub E, from around February 1, 2011 to around April 8, 201, and then, the Defendant was the Defendant to undergo a diagnosis of disability after having “the escape certificate (payment rate 10%) between the river 4-5 picks” in the G Council members and H hospital from September 14, 2011, by having the Defendant move the ricepos around May 28, 201.

around July 6, 2011, the Defendant submitted a claim for insurance money to the effect that “the Defendant was hospitalized in a hospital as if he were in a false manner to receive insurance money,” to the employees of the said fire insurance company, which was located in the Seoul Jung-gu Seoul Jung-gu, Seoul District Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (2). However, the Defendant was only hospitalized in the hospital as he was in a false manner to receive insurance money, and there was no kind of movement of heavy things.

In collusion with D and E, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim’s East Fire Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. as above, was paid KRW 260,000 from the Defendant’s Agricultural Account (Account Number:J) to around July 11, 201, and received KRW 260,000 from 8 insurance companies, such as the victim’s fire and marine insurance, etc. from around that time until November 30, 2012, totaling 31,46.
